The "easy button" to complimentary health

I think it’s safe to say that we all agree that there are many ways to skin a cat, what I really mean is that there are many approaches to healing both chronic and acute conditions. They all require some level of specific knowledge, experience and dedication, and trust me when I say that the last decade of parenthood for us has been a combination of all three, it would be an understatement.

I have dedicated my life to recovering our children from: autism, PANDAS, 23 food sensitivities, MCAS, ODD, SPD, mitochondrial dysfunction, anxiety, mold toxicity and more. It has become my life’s mission to also help others in the way we’ve healed. Yes, many of those conditions are related and overlapping so addressing one should address the rest, as long as you are getting to the root of the problem…but what IS the root of the problem? That is the million dollar question, right? If it was so easy to figure out, we would all be in 100% top shape, health-wise. But we aren’t, and many of us are still searching for answers. Maybe some treatments have improved certain symptoms, and maybe you are still dealing with some residual issues or maybe you are completely new to this arena of holistic health and you are trying to figure out where to start. One thing stands true for all health journeys though, we need to heal the mind, body and spirit to see full recovery.

So what if I told you there is one way to compliment healing that is equivalent to wearing an easy button on your wrist? It would be a no-brainer, wouldn’t it? But I get it, you probably want to know how it works in order to trust what I am telling you. It’s going to sound (no pun intended 😆) too good to be true, or too EASY to be true, but it is backed by science, as well as being used in healing for centuries…sound therapy! Why do you think churches are filled with organ pipe music and in temples you will experience chanting? Not just because it sounds pretty. Music moves you in ways nothing else can. Have you ever wondered why? It’s a vibration that literally speaks to your cells in a language your cells understand.

When you think of sound therapy, you probably picture yourself or your fidgety child having to sit with bulky headphones on, or in a room with an annoying “sound” playing over your speakers for a period of time every day, right? This is where the easy button comes in and changes that game entirely! The cool thing about sound is that it’s a vibration and while you CAN hear it, to be effected by it, you don’t HAVE to hear it. Are you getting my drift?

Physics experiments have proven that sound travels 4.3x faster in fluid than it does through the air, actually, if we are being technical, it’s 4.3148688 faster. Since we are made of water and fluids, that means we are able to transmit sound frequencies through our bodies more rapidly when we wear them. You don’t have even hear the frequencies to benefit from them, as long as you are wearing something that transmits the sound to your body. And yes, headphones can do that too, but why wear headphones when you can simply wear a watch designed to do just that - expose your body to the frequencies?! It’s like Rife for your wrist, an easy button, just set and go!! I can’t tell you how many people ask me and others who have it, what the cool watch they are wearing is, lol. Strikes up interesting conversation.

Now, let’s talk a bit more about the science, because that “it’s too good to be true” and “it seems too easy to be true” thought is crossing your mind right now. You are thinking, “prove it!”

In this study, from the NIH (surprisingly, lol), on neural plasticity - The substratum of music-based interventions in neurorehabilitation, we see that brain plasticity can be influenced by sound frequencies. They call it music, I call it vibration/sound, you say tomato, I say tomaaato. 😉 So first, let’s look at what neural plasticity is, from the above study:

The proposition that the brain is a dynamic structure with the potential to re-organize and re-wire itself in response to intrinsic and extrinsic factors, stated in the early 1900 s (Brown & Sherrington, 1912), is now supported with rigorous scientific research and advanced imaging techniques. The organization, density and strength of neuronal connections in the central nervous system (CNS) have been found to change with learning and experience, or during recovery from injuries and degenerative conditions (Ripollés et al., 2016). This ability of the CNS to create adaptive changes in its morphological and functional aspects, involving neurogenesis, changes in neuronal connectivity and neurochemistry, has been referred to as neuroplasticity (Sasmita, Kuruvilla, & Ling, 2018). Neuroplasticity is broadly defined as the ability of the nervous system to respond to intrinsic as well as extrinsic stimuli by reorganising its structure, function and connections (Cramer et al., 2011).

And here we see the history between “music” or sound and changes in the brain:

In the current field of Cognitive Neuroscience, music is not only considered as a powerful tool to study the human brain, but it is becoming more and more evident that engaging in music, actively or passively and music-based interventions have helped us understand neuroplasticity, the veritable nature of the human brain much more in depth (Pacchetti et al., 2000; Reybrouck, Vuust, & Brattico, 2018). Music making and listening incorporates multiple sensory modalities and activates various neural pathways in the brain. This multimodal and multisensory attribute of music explains its role in mediating plastic changes in the nervous system. In the recent past, music-based interventions have been used to facilitate functional improvement through re-organization of neural circuitry in various conditions, e.g. stroke (Ripollés et al., 2016; Särkämö & Soto, 2012; Yakupov, Nalbat, Semenova, & Tlegenova, 2017) and traumatic brain injury (Berit Marie Dykesteen Vik, Skeie, & Specht, 2019).

The understanding of behavioural expression of complex, multi-level recurrent neural networks is an integral part of neuroplasticity-based neurorehabilitation approaches (Merzenich, Van Vleet, & Nahum, 2014). Stated simply, the functioning of the nervous system is integrated across multiple hierarchically organized levels with complex behavioural expressions being a product of a cascading series of neurological activities in the brain. Thus, impairment of behaviours is reflective of impaired neural circuits and necessitates neurological renormalization or strengthening of alternative circuits that are relatively preserved (Nahum et al., 2013). This ability of the CNS has already been extensively discussed as neuroplasticity and forms the basis of neurorehabilitation approaches using music. Music being a multimodal entity, engaging perception, cognition, and motor control in the brain (Koshimori & Thaut, 2019), serves as an effective medium for rehabilitating impaired neurological functions through employing multiple relevant neural circuits that are relatively preserved in the individual.

And for those with children who have speech delay or are nonverbal, this is encouraging:

Entrainment of functions to rhythmic cues applies to functions beyond motor control. Researchers have shown varied elements of speech and language control being positively affected by rhythmic entrainment (Natke, Donath, & Kalveram, 2003). Motor speech disorders where NMT techniques have been implicated can mainly be discussed in cases of dysarthria: speech disturbance due to disruption of muscles required for speech production, apraxia: sensorimotor disturbance resulting in dysfunctions in directing movements necessary for volitional speech production (Lee, Thaut, & Santoni, 2018) and, aphasia: a communication disorder which can affect a person’s use of expressive and receptive language, despite their cognitive ability.

NMT has also been used with the child and adolescent population. In a study comparing the effect of music-based therapy, speech training and no-training on verbal production of 50 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), The Developmental Speech and Language Training through Music (DSLM) of NMT was used and findings indicated a significant improvement in speech following both music (d= 1.275) and speech training (d = 1.141) as compared to no training condition with low functioning ASD performing better on verbal production following music training (H. A. Lim, 2010). DSLM uses developmentally appropriate musical materials and experiences to aide speech and language development in children with developmental delays.

Ok, so this merely proves that changes can and do occur in response to the application of sound, which is really exciting, but how do we target specific areas of function with sound therapy? For that we need to look at the work of Nikola Tesla and Raymond Rife, both of whom spent their lives working to identify specific frequencies aimed at targeting specific conditions, organs and pathogen. Of course, this science has also been, and continues to be expanded upon since the late 1800s.

And as a side note, speaking of Nikola Tesla, did you see that Elon Musk (Tesla made me think of him, lol) has even financed a sound therapy project using headphones for children on the spectrum which is encouraging non-verbal children to speak again? Of course, as mentioned above, it requires cooperation from the child, to wear the headphones. I will get back to this in a moment. Tesla was working on photon oscillations for wireless energy transfer when he discovered the healing potential of the application of these frequencies.

In this study, Tesla Oscillator – Investigations on Its Beneficial Cell Effects, in the Japanese Journal of Medicine, “It is stated by the manufacturer to be able to inform, structure or energize water which activates the body's own energy fields and stimulates the self-healing power.”

Results. The results clearly demonstrate that the effects of a reduced radical generation after the exposure to the Tesla Oscillator was strictly time-dependent with a maximum of a nearly 40 % reduction after an exposure time of 30 min. The decrease in radical generation was statistically significant for exposure times ≥ 15 min. In addition, also the morphological examination of cell regeneration showed a clear time-dependent improvement in the closure of the cell-free space after a single exposure of the cells to the frequencies of the Tesla Oscillator. The maximum stimulation of cell regeneration in comparison to the untreated control was measured after the 30 min exposure time and was nearly 30 % for exposure of the cells and 25 % for exposure of the culture medium.

Healing sound frequencies can be measured in Hertz (Hz) and correlate specifically with organs, chakras, diseases, pathogen, symptoms, and much, much more. So if we can measure and identify these frequency-matches, we can apply them at a time of need to use a pill-free form of healing through entrainment of the cell! The length of time the cells need to be exposed to a frequency is actually pre-programed into the watch I am going to introduce you to below. In this video, you can learn more about the general impacts of vibrations and frequencies on the body.

Let’s go back to the discussion of frequencies for a child on the spectrum and increasing socialization. The area of the brain that controls socialization is the cerebellum, so ideally, you would want to use frequencies that include the brain, as well as the digestive system since we now know the gut-brain axis is heavily involved in the autism spectrum disorders. These images below are from the 1000+ frequency list in the guide book. You can access the full guide via download from this link.

I don’t know about you, but I wish this was available when my kids were little!

The watch also has a long list of frequencies for many emotional and mental issues, as well as degenerative diseases and we know that there is an emotional and psycho-spiritual connection with symptoms/disease so running these frequencies regularly may also help with all kinds of symptoms. The iron rule of cancer is that the psyche perceives a shock as threatening and a biological adaptation begins at that moment. What if you can erase the shock the moment it occurs?! Think of the power of prevention, at your fingertips…well, on your wrist. 😉

So what is this magical watch? It’s the WAVwatch. You may have even heard friends talking about it, or people sharing it on social media. In fact, WAVwatch was just selected by Dragonfly Health as the winner of the "Health and Longevity" Health Innovation Award! This watch allows you to program frequencies into a playlist or just run through frequencies in a folder (like the entire lyme or detoxification folders, for example) and then go about your day. It’s non-intrusive, it’s silent, and doesn’t require compliance with frustrating headphones or sitting still for periods of time. This means you can run frequencies all day and/or night long! You could purchase the watch directly from the company website, but it will be $597. If you use this link, you will receive $100 off, which is significant!

I have really been enjoying pairing Qest bioresonace scans with the WAVwatch, because it allows me to help people find their top layer health priorities so they can use the watch with the layer in need of attention first, according to the body’s preference.

I’d like to share just a few testimonials from people using the WAVwatch:

-Wow so I have been having heart palpitations/a-fib all day. Since early afternoon. It came on after I started the thyroid frequencies. I was running them for thyroid and heart and nothing was helping. This evening I ran one for EBV and my palpitations stopped!!

-Well, I brushed my teeth and went to bed and had it on pain and inflammation. My pain went down almost immediately. Then while I slept I had it on dental. My teeth were happy. Like I couldn’t feel my swollen gums with my upper molar. Yay! I actually dreamt I met you and your family and told you about it.

-I hate to make decisions this quick but my daughter is playing it on her wrist right now playing video games with me and she’s not freaking out like usual, lol. Idk if it’s working or not but she’s calmer right this second.

-I’ve also been noticing that since I’ve been using the watch, I have a ton more energy in the morning, like I just feel so peppy! I was already in a really good place emotionally, but this is different, like I don’t know - energy, not just like attitude so I feel like the watch is helping with that. I don’t know which settings persay, and I am using the sleep settings before bed and I definitely sleep really well when I use it.

-A friend who has been in a lot of pain most of her adult life used mine briefly while she was visiting and this was her feedback the next day - My back felt good and made it through the whole day at York. Today feeling crummy again. Maybe the watch 🤞🙏🏻 or just over did it yesterday but honestly I wasn’t sore when we got home.

-The sinus frequencies help me asap!

-I totally got off pain meds for my back! Was on Percocet & now I am NOT. Feel so great to be clear thinking again!

-My husband had gout and it normally takes about 7 days with a prescription to go away, but he used the warch for about 3 hours on the gout setting and then again after charging his watch. No prescription and gone in 24-36 hours.

-I just received my WAVwatch. Immediately I ran one of the many frequencies; this one was Neuropathy. My feet have been numb for years. Within 15 minutes of first run of the frequency, I probably have 50-60% more feeling in my feet. I ran it again this evening and probably got another 10-15% more feeling. I am beyond happy with this product!

In my own family we have had resolution of many types of pain, rapidly! My husband stubbed his toe really bad and was limping around NYC the next day, all day, aggravating it. The following day he woke up still in incredible pain so he ran the gout and bone pain frequencies (he has gotten gout from physical toe injuries like this before so he used that setting preventatively) and by mid-day, he was dancing around on his toes in front of me. He couldn’t even bend his toe prior to using the watch! The following day, the pain was completely gone. He also used the watch for an old wrist injury that was hurting from using his wrist at the gym. It took a day to respond and it didn’t respond initially to muscular pain so he ran the entire bone folder which resulted in a resolution of the pain entirely (which took a day to respond fully). The pain is gone and hasn’t returned so far! I believe my goiter is reducing in size from using the thyroid frequencies. Our 15 year old loves this watch so much that he wants his own! He has had many aches and pains starting back up in baseball season, and the watch literally eliminates the pains for him within one session (which varies from 8-30 minutes long depending on the frequencies used). My husband and I have been sleeping more soundly and waking earlier, feeling really good. The biggest drawback I have experienced with this watch is that there aren’t enough hours and watches to go around in a family of four! We need a second watch to keep up with our uses. You can also run maintenance frequencies a few times a week, like detoxification, parasites, emotions and more. If you muscle test, even better, because you can just muscle test through the pages of frequencies!

If you would like to sign up to offer your friends and family $100 off, it’s free using this link. If you would like to join the FB WAVwatch fanatics group, you can use this link. To purchase at $100 off of the original $597 price, use this link. Please note that the link to purchase and to sign up as an affiliate, are two different links.

Feel free to reach out to me, if you have any questions!

Jessica Galligani