
There are people in your life that truly come unexpected, but they come with their wisdom, knowledge, love, understanding and new perspectives to change and teach new ways of doing life. Jessica, you are one of those people and I am truly grateful for what you have done for me. ❤️❤️ Thank YOU ❤️❤️


I want to thank you, Jessica, for the amazing living journal and website quick reference section! These 2 resources have absolutely changed the way I'm thinking about "healing and recovery" (and I am yet to start speaking about the group support).

It's obvious to me now that you've put so much time organizing things into categories.. making the whole journey 100x EASIER. 
Thanks to this structure we no longer have to shoot blind or play Russian roulette with different solutions. There's a methodology to all this!

Once we understand the way you're thinking about "Healing and recovery" having the ability to ask you very specific questions about your methodology is just the icing on the cake! 

It's only been several days I've been in this group but it's already helped me so much. 
My spouse has considered stopping gluten completely from her diet while she breastfeeds .. we're trying to up the dose of camel milk any way we can (would try the CM ice cream today :D), learned about spore probiotics and ordered my first one you recommended.

I have never had so much hope about the future before!

Anyone who considers joining this group would be silly not to take advantage of this opportunity! 
(although they should do it at a much Much MUCH Higher price than what it is at the moment, which I'm sure you can raise at any time now)

Thank you! 🙏🙏. -Peter

Peter’s one year anniversary post in our private coached community:

I was reflecting on the most impactful things that happened for our family in 2020 and as it often happens with these reflections... often times it is other people who have a major impact on outcomes. And in ways that no-one could have predicted initially.

I think I virtually met Jessica and joined this group exactly 1 year ago around this time of year. She was extremely generous and kind from the very start.

But what's more interesting is the countless ways she's had a major impact on our family over the past year.

Maybe she said something in a post... that I didn't think much of but still shared with my spouse and months later we applied.

Or that time when I talked on the phone with her and she helped us solve George's sleeping issue.

Repeating low oxalate diet over and over and over and over again in these posts... to be so ingrained in my subconscious to finally give it a go and see these things leaving the body.

It just completely and massively changed our lives in ways that simple cause and effect just can't do it justice.

I feel we're extremely lucky to have access to this person and cherish this in this 1 year anniversary of joining the group haha.

It's extremely rare to find someone who is voraciously learning more and more without ever stopping. She's a rebel.

These are people to be celebrated and a blessing from God in our life.

Thank you, Jess! - Peter

I feel so furtunate to have gotten to know Jess during the recovery process. Her calm nature has helped ground me and encouraged me to trust my own instincts while helping to heal my children. Her own personal experiences with the journey has been invaluable - she is always willing to share what has worked and what hasn’t - to help others on their journey. I would recommend her support to anyone who is looking for a confident and knowledgeable sounding board. Through her knowledge and suggestions, both of my children have made great gains toward overall healing in their journeys with gut healing, mold and PANS. -Jessica

Jessica is one of my top got-to resources on all things crunchy. No one does research like this mama. Go follow her and check out her website. If you’re holistic at all this is the place you wanna be! -Mallory

I don’t have enough good things to say about Jessica, visit her site, there’s lots of helpful and intuitive information. -Gissel