EMF Safety

Radiation. Plain and simple, EMF (electromagnetic fields) is a form of radiation. There are actually multiple forms of EMF in our environment, each with it’s own deleterious effects on the human body. EMF is the umbrella term, but there is also RF (radio frequencies) which is essentially microwave radiation, DE (dirty electricity) which is electrical line noise, magnetic fields which are created by faulty wiring in buildings, DC magnetic fields which result from magnetized steel components in furniture and now 5G which hasn’t been rolled out entirely yet. Many cities and even countries are investigating 5G and trying to hold back the roll out, but some areas have already become guinea pigs for this mixed frequency form of radiation.

We are electrical beings and we are healthiest when we resonate with the earth’s frequencies. When the body is engulfed in frequencies that are out of sync with our body’s there are consequences.

Sounds a bit overwhelming to have so many sources of EMF around your body at any given time, doesn’t it? It is. The good news is that there are some things we can do to protect ourselves and reduce exposure. If you’d prefer to have help making your home a safer place, consider joining my exclusive coached-community group!

**If you are concerned with 5G like many of us are now that we are seeing towers go up all over, EMF Solutions has multiple options for protecting your home, car and even hotel rooms if you travel a lot!!



An EMF superstore.

For anything you need to protect your home! Some of the specific products below will link you back to this site.

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Smart Meter Guard

Smart Meters are pulsed frequency devices that are being mounted on our homes by utility companies with the premise that they are going to save us money and provide more accurate readings. History has proven that they are not saving money, in fact many have seen their bills go up. But even more troubling is the RF (radio frequencies) radiation we are exposed to 24/7 with one of these on our home.

If you can’t opt out of your Smart Meter, you can at least reduce it’s radiation by using a Smart Meter Guard. There are many variations of this same cover, but I have personally tested mine so I can confirm that it does in fact reduce radiation exposure. Smart Meter Guard is made in the USA with high quality materials.

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EMF Dream canopy

If you can’t escape the radiation from nearby cell towers or antennas, a Smart Meter, or even your neighbor’s wireless devices, you can still provide a temporary escape from the radio frequencies. During sleep our body goes into rest and repair mode. Elevated RF sources in our environment can interfere with rest and repair so by providing a healthy sleep environment, we can ensure that our body is getting the best sleep possible.

It’s very important to buy a canopy that can be grounded, otherwise the canopy could magnify EMF from the surrounding walls/outlets/plugged-in fixtures. If you decide on a canopy that is not grounded, ideally you want the body voltage to be below or equal to .18mV on the bed. Our older son does have one that is not able to be grounded, because he likes the box-style better, but we turn off his bedroom breaker at night so the body voltage comes way down at his bed first, then we drop it down around him to sleep. During the day, it is lifted up and away from his bed so he can’t touch it. To test body voltage, you would need a body voltage meter like this.

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Lower radiation router - JRS® Eco 100 Wifi-router

An ordinary wifi router broadcasts beacon signals 24 hours a day, 10 times a second. This generates a considerable amount of radiation in the home, clearly measurable. The unique JRS® Eco 100 Wifi-router automatically switches to Full Eco stand-by mode, reducing radiation to zero, when you turn off wifi on your computer and phone. When you reconnect to the wifi, the JRS Eco 100 router automatically switches the signal on again. The first generation of JRS Eco-wifi routers already significantly reduced the amount of electrosmog by reducing the pulse frequency of the beacon signals by a factor of 10. The JRS Eco 100 technology takes it one step further.


An inexpensive way to eliminate WiFi with Powerline Adapters

Some people just function better without WiFi. Our youngest son happens to be one of those people. In addition to using an EMF canopy over his bed during sleep, we have eliminated WiFi use entirely. Instead of having our entire house re-wired for ethernet connections in every room, we just modified our router configuration using Powerline adapters. It’s a brilliant way to utilize the power lines in the home for passing internet signals that are then accessed by a portable, plug-in box that can be used anywhere there is an outlet.

*Note - the condition of the electrical wiring of the home may influence your success with this method, but I have found it to be faster and more reliable than wireless.

Be aware that the immediate area surrounding a power line adapter plug-in box will have elevated EMF, so you don’t want these plugged in anywhere near your body, especially the head of your bed.

You will find the products required to revamp your internet connection here.

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Router Guard

If you absolutely must have WiFi or you live somewhere that you can’t make the decision to change the situation, you can cover the router with a guard just like the Smart Meter Guard above. This is a good solution at reducing exposure in situations you can’t control.

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Outlet switches

A simple and highly effective solution to ambient EMF exposures throughout the house (sourced from inside the house) is to unplug. When you aren’t using devices such as chargers, toasters, lamps, TVs, blenders, radios, etc…unplug them. Leaving them plugged in, even when they are off, results in elevated EMF in the room and DE (dirty electricity) in the house by accumulation. 

Imagine the cord is like a hose with a sprayer nozzle on the end. When the nozzle is turned off, the water is still pressurized inside the hose, just waiting to be released by the sprayer. Your wired appliances and devices are exactly the same way. The electricity is sitting in those wires like a dam of electricity just waiting to be released when you turn them on. This creates cumulative electrical currents throughout the room (and surrounding the wires) which add to your body voltage which can be measured with a body voltage meter.  

If unplugging the devices in the room is too cumbersome because of the number of plugged in objects or they are hard to reach, these simple outlet switches let you turn off the power at the outlet without unplugging the cords throughout the room. They are remote controlled, so at the press of a button, the power is cut right at the outlet, reducing the body voltage in the room. If this doesn’t reduce body voltage enough, consider learning more about how to turn off breakers to reduce body voltage during sleep.

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Satic dirty electricity filter

There are a handful of different DE (dirty electricity) reducing filters on the market, although some of the more common brands aren’t actually recommended by electrical engineers who are also Building Biologists. The technology differs between capacitative filters and non-capacitative line conditioners. Most of the capacitative filters create a sort of a dam, where the power load sits, trying to get through the dam, and it can require a bit of effort to reroute the line noise, thereby resulting in added reactive frequencies to the power lines and indirectly causing an increasing magnetic field. Since filters require that they carry the power they are filtering, it would be best to use a device like the Satic dirty electricity filter which captures and dissipates the dirty electricity rather than trying to harness it. The results of this type of device enables a broad range of frequency conditioning without adding anything to the wires.

We were impressed at how quickly our numbers came down with just a few non-capacitative line conditioners put into outlets beside our electrical panel in the basement. Since some filtering devices cause magnetic fields to increase, be sure to test the location where you install the filters. The good news about magnetic fields (as long as they are isolated to the filter) is that they generally drop off quickly with distance. If there is faulty wiring in the home producing strong magnetic fields, this should be resolved before using filters since it can magnify problems like this.

To measure this type of EMF, you will need a dirty electricity meter which you can find here.

If you would like to try a different capacitative filter brand, PxDNA is what we have in our home. We only needed two, one for each circuit. It was suggested that a third would bring the numbers down even further, which we may do in the future.


EMF Meters

I highly recommend having your own meters to test for Radio Frequencies (RF), body voltage, dirty electricity, and magnetic fields.

For about the same cost as a professional assessment by a building biologist, you could own a few meters that will enable you to test multiple locations like: your home, friends’ homes, caregiver’s environments, schools, etc. You can even test your own devices before and after using protective covers. I have used my meters countless times, they’ve been worth their weight in gold. I’ve even sent back EMF cell phone covers for increasing EMF readings rather than reducing them. I wouldn’t have known there was a problem with the case if I didn’t have the tools to test it at home myself.

I encourage you to show your kids the readings you are getting on various things (especially cell phones and handheld devices) so they comprehend the reality of EMF. It teaches them that distance is their friend here. EMF is an invisible force, so the readings create a better visual of the many frequencies all around us that we can’t see, hear or touch.


Cell phone EMF protection case and air tube headset

Cell phone EMF cases are not meant to take the place of maintaining a safe distance from the phone, because they only reduce the EMF exposure, but any little bit helps. The more ways we can find to reduce our exposure, the safer we will be. I would encourage you to take your own readings of the case with an RF meter so you know that it is reducing radiation rather than increasing it. Each phone may react differently in the case. I had to return another brand, because it increased radiation, rather than reducing it.

RF Safe has been offering RF Shielded phone cases online since the late 1990’s – as bar phones evolved into the latest smartphones, RF Safe Flip Case Radiation Shields were redesigned after extensive research was conducted to determine the most effective method of deflecting phone radiation away from the head and body of a smartphone user “without covering the antenna or increasing radiation emissions”. See videos of three different meters testing RF Safe flip cover cases

This is a very critical design consideration! ALL scientists can agree that shielding products, particularly those that cover the antenna, create an even greater health risk by causing the phone to increase its output power in either omnidirectional or directional patterns around the cell phone handset. When this occurs, radiation exposure may increase substantially.

This website is full of a ton of great articles and study links.



Red light can repair some of the damage done by blue light from all the screens we rely on daily in our modern world.

”The specific photons found in red and near infrared light interact with a photoreceptor within our cells called cytochrome c oxidase. This interaction stimulates the mitochondria in our cells to use oxygen more efficiently, which allows the mitochondria to produce more ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Adenosine triphosphate is a complex organic chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells, e.g. muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and chemical synthesis. Found in all forms of life, ATP is often referred to as the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer. When our cells have more energy, they simply perform better and the body follows suit!” - MitoRedLight

Red light powers the mitcohondria by reaching the enzymes in our cells through our skin, and happier, healthier mitochondria provides better cellular function. Common uses for red light therapy are: pain, hair growth, skin health, acne, anti-aging, wound healing/tissue repair, joint pain, sleep quality (increases melatonin), workout recovery, weight loss, eye health, and cognitive function.

I have compared all the big name red light therapy companies for value, EMF exposure, effectiveness, hot spots and more. This link will also provide you with a 5% discount at the time of checkout, which is especially valuable when you decide you want more than one red light box. 😉

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bluelight blocking glasses for children

Our boys use their blue light blocking glasses during school lessons/computer use and when they watch tv.


Bluelight blocking glasses for men and women

Light controls our wake-sleep circadian rhythms. In nature, we are exposed to the light spectrum. Blue light as a stand-alone exposure, which is emitted from screens of all kinds, suppresses melatonin production. By using blue-light blocking glasses, you can reduce the impact screens have on your circadian rhythm. Part of the problem with LED lighting (aside from the DE and EMR exposures) is that they emit high levels of blue light, which also messes with our circadian rhythm. Considering how important effective sleep is to our health, wearing blue-light blocking glasses during screen time is an easy way to tone down the effects from screens, especially if you need to use a device close to slumber-time or you like to watch TV before going to bed. 

There are so many styles and levels of blue light blocking available, so be sure to look around. I just happen to think these are adorable. For daytime use, some blue light should be allowed into the eye so these are the perfect balance of protection without going overboard.

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EarthCalm Infinity Home system

Installing an Infinity Home System in your home or office is a powerful way to defend yourself, and your loved ones, against the harmful effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). The Home System introduces resonant information into a building’s electrical grid, which diminishes the harmful effects of the EMFs produced by the wiring itself, as well as the EMF of any appliance or electronic that is plugged into that same grid. The hazards from smart meters, wireless routers, and electronics that produce microwave radiation can also be lessened if they are physically plugged into the Infinity protected grid. For additional coverage against microwave frequencies, we highly suggest adding our Infinity X unit, which contains EarthCalm’s Sanctuary technology. Sanctuary creates a powerful protective field within the room where it is plugged in. You can also attach a Quantum Cell to any unit that transmits wirelessly around you, and this will add yet another layer of defense to your space. Using multiple EarthCalm products at one time allows for a synergistic LAYERING of our technology, which can be very powerful.

One Infinity Home System provides whole-house EMF defense, 24 hours a day. If you have multiple electrical meters in your home or office, you will need one Infinity Home System per meter.

Please Remember: Whole-house EMF protection should not take the place of personal EMF reduction. Radiation levels have increased dramatically over the years, and they will continue to increase, which means that reducing the usage of all things wireless has become highly important. This is especially true for devices that are designed to be held up-close. Remember that awareness, reduction, AND protection are all integral when it comes to maintaining EMF health in today’s world.



I own and have personally tested the Go Dark Bags myself. They work 100% to protect from various EMFs including GPS. Aside from the issue of safety against nefarious frequencies, we have to also consider device tracking, an this faraday bag is just what you need to prevent being tracked.

"Our mobile devices connect us to the modern world and have become central to how we organize and manage our lives. Sadly though, it seems near impossible to have a full understanding of what’s going on inside of them as evidenced by regular news of mobile hacking scandals, “unreported features” from the manufacturer, identity theft, and even our real-time location and movements being tracked and sold off to the highest bidder.

Our Philosophy is Simple

You own your electronics and you're ultimately responsible for them, therefore you should have the ability to control when they transmit and receive electromagnetic signals. 

Whether your concerns are privacy and location tracking, health concerns, or you just want to protect your electronics from external static or electromagnetic damage, GoDark Bags has it covered… literally.

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With a tagline like “Keep the bad off your goods” you can’t help but love this company! Has it ever concerned you that your husband keeps his cell phone in his pocket all day, I know that irks me! The SAR (Specific Absorption Rates) values of cell phones are tested with a 1.5cm distance. If you are keeping your phone closer to your body than that, you are getting even MORE than the reported radiation absorption rate!

Another scenario - laptop on the lap…yep, we’ve all done it.

Now there is radiation-proof apparel! Awesome!! They are still ramping up their line, but currently they make men’s undergarments and beanie hats. They have plans to add t-shirts and women’s undergarments in the near future as well.

So now you want to know what the fabric is made of, I’m sure! How could fabric protect us from EMF? They use a silver embedded fabric which has the added bonus of being anti-microbial as well. Electromagnetic radiation cannot pass through holes in conductive material which are smaller than their wavelength. This way, it is possible to shield an object from EMF by surrounding it with a conductive wire-mesh like our Wavestopper Technology.

When encountering this electromagnetic shield, the radiation induces a displacement of electrons inside the conductive material, which causes, in return, the radiation to be reflected to the outside instead of going inside the shielding.

Lambs used this scientific fact to make their Wavestopper fabric : the silver lining acts as a wire-mesh and shield what’s inside from EMF. This technology was certified by the same laboratory that certifies NASA spacesuits : the test results state that their fabric blocks 99% of microwaves, which includes wifi radiation, bluetooth, and cellphone radiation.

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EMF Help Center

Do you need help getting your “Smart Meter” replaced with an analog meter? If you live in a state that offers an opt out analog meter, the step by step instructions here will walk you through the process.

You will also find education, videos and products at this link.
