Probiotics - “for life”

Probiotic literally means “for life.” Probiotics are living beneficial bacteria that are responsible for the harmony and balance in our environment, as well as on and in our bodies. We don’t give much thought to the consequences of using products that decimate the beneficial bacteria in our soil, air, skin and body.

Here you will find probiotics of all kinds, probiotics for the gut, the skin, the teeth and even for your environment.


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Bifidobacteria are one of the two most important friendly bacteria in the human microbiome. They should outnumber lactobacillus and are critical to the processing of bile and liver chemicals that circulate between the colon, liver and intestines. Bifidobacteria are important for keeping the bloodstream clear of endotoxins from other strains. Healthy breastmilk has an abundance of bifidobacteria to ensure that infants have a predominance of bifidobacteria.

These critters are responsible for the production of the all-important B vitamins, the inhibition of yeasts and nitrate-producing bacteria, the production of acids to balance pH, the prevention of toxins absorption and the regulation of intestinal peristalsis.

The elderly will often have drastically lower counts of bifidobacteria and studies are showing that those who suffer from severe CoVID illnesses or long hauler’s are low in this vital strain, as well.

I recommend a few brands of bifidobacteria:

Uprevma - While most other probiotics come from the food industry, dairy industry or the soil itself, their probiotics are native to humans. It all started with talented researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, who theorized that the most robust, most health-promoting probiotic bugs for humans would have to come from humans themselves. They carry two isolated strains:
- Ecologically Advanced™ Probiotic - Powered by the proprietary strain Bifidobacterium adolescentis iVS-1,™ this unique probiotic supports overall digestive health by increasing total bifidobacteria numbers and promoting gut barrier integrity, an important factor in metabolic and immune health.

- Synergistic Synbiotic™ Probiotic - Powered by the proprietary strain Bifidobacterium longum iVE-15™ combined with XOS to form a powerful and effective synergistic formulation that supports overall digestive balance and can calm issues related to gas, bloating, and discomfort.

Lifted Naturals

- Mood Super Strains - No added prebiotics or other ingredients. It features Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG plus five additional strains of bifidus probiotic bacteria. MOOD ISSUES are not all in your head. But they could be in your gut. Research continues to emerge about the importance of the gut-brain connection. AKA, the two-way communication between the gut and the brain. Lifted Naturals has formulated their probiotics to help support that connection! By including the best, most studied histamine-friendly strains for MOOD and DIGESTION, Mood Super Strains is a powerful, proprietary formula offering digestive and immune system support, along with emotional wellbeing support. Mood Super Strains is our probiotic ONLY non-histamine formula, with no added prebiotics.


Probiotic Power

For your body, the home and even your pets, Probiotic Power (aka P2 Probiotics) products are a holistic way to incorporate the benefits of environmentally friendly bacteria into your personal care routine.

The only ingredients you will find in any P2 products are: soil-based probiotics, organic coconut surfactant (the safe kind), organic vanilla, organic spearmint, organic glycerin, biosurfactants (naturally occurring micro-organisms) or enzymes. 

I love using their allergy spray in a fogger or their fine mist spray bottle to spray around the house regularly. We use this as a hand sanitizer too. I am also a fan of their body gel, laundry additive and all-perpose cleaner for fruits and veggies.

Harmonize your home with environmental probiotics

Harmonize your home with environmental probiotics

PureBiotics by Chrisal

Environmental probiotics. Yes, there is such a thing! Our indoor environment suffers from toxin overload due to building materials and stale, closed up conditions resulting in recycled air. This isn’t good news for the microbiome of the indoor living environment. The outdoor environment doesn’t typically endure this phenomenon, because of a balanced ecosystem. When we see that ecosystem suffer from water damage, the resulting imbalance creates an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, fungus and viruses. Many indoor environments are subject to mold growth due to the nature of building materials. Learning from nature, soil-based beneficial bacteria which are critical to our outdoor microbiome balance, can be used to balance and harmonize the indoor environment too! Here you will find all purpose cleaners and mists to use throughout your home. We have used these probiotics religiously to clean and mist just about everything. Considering we have successfully remediated our home from mold contamination, I’d say these are an essential addition to anyone’s routine.

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MegaSpore Biotic

**Notice that the link to purchase is actually hidden in the text below. The link to the company won’t allow you to purchase unless you are a practitioner referral. The link below doesn’t require a practitioner.

Spore-forming soil-based probiotics are transient bacteria, meaning they don’t colonize in the body. This might sound like a downfall, when in actuality, this is exactly how their role is designed to interact with us in nature. Before the industrial food revolution, we relied on our own gardens and local farms for produce. We were ingesting and inhaling (from gardening in the soil) soil-based bacteria daily, the way nature intended for us to be exposed to these strains. Now, our foods are flown in from all over the world, they are irradiated, handled, and sterilized, so these essential strains are no longer part of our daily diets which requires intentional exposure through supplementation. Soil-based strains educate and protect the native strains transiently, while also producing important byproducts and nutrients as they pass through. They are also incredibly hardy and can withstand stomach acids and even antibiotic use! If you would like to also improve your indoor air quality with environmental probiotics, you can click this link for a company I highly recommend. They sell many amazing products for the home, body and pets. Their Allergy and Sinus mist bottle is perfect for misting the house, upholstery, furniture, carpets, bedding, and even yourself with a super fine mist that won’t leave wet marks behind. These bacteria will continue to work on cleaning up the microbes and biofilm on the surfaces you spray, for days! I add their laundry additive to every load of laundry we do.

MegaSporeBiotic™ is a 100% spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic clinically shown to maintain healthy gut barrier function. This unique all-spore formula effectively reconditions the gut by promoting microbial diversity and maintaining key health-promoting, commensal gut bacteria. MegaSporeBiotic™ boasts a 5-year shelf-life, does not require refrigeration, and maintains efficacy during antibiotic therapy.

When our older son was struggling horribly with an out of control clostridia infection causing symptoms of sensory seeking, sensory defensiveness, aggression, anger and OCD, using spore-based bacteria in high doses was a game changer. Within a month, his long-standing battle with clostridia ended! It was confirmed by testing with an OAT (organic acid test).

At this link, you will be able to purchase without a practitioner code. 😉 If you apply for the subscription plan, you will save 10% on your orders. You can also read more about MegaSpore here, in Dr. Rinehart’s resource guide. A nice complement is this high dose single strain soil based probiotic which can be taken alternatively with MegaSpore to enhance it’s efficacy.

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Flore by Sun Genomics

Your Microflora is Unique.Your Probiotics Should Be Too. When you join the Sun Genomics program, you will receive a stool sample test kit which is used to formulate your own custom probiotic blend. This is brilliant! You can even continue testing periodically to stay on top of your progress.

If you are on a restricted diet, be sure to discuss fillers with them in advance. In our case, we needed low oxalate and low salicylate fillers, so I had them create our probiotics with just ground flaxseed, which is also a prebiotic. They have many options available, all you have to do is use their nifty customer chat online and they will get right back to you about the options.

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