For the Body - inside and out



Probiotic literally means “for life.” Probiotics are living beneficial bacteria that are responsible for the harmony and balance in our environment, as well as on and in our bodies. We don’t give much thought to the consequences of using products that decimate the beneficial bacteria in our soil, air, skin and body.

Here you will find probiotics of all kinds, probiotics for the gut, the skin, the teeth and even for your environment.


Dietary Considerations

What’s healthy for one person is NOT healthy for everyone. This is so incredibly individual, yet it’s easy to get caught up in societal norms for “healthy” eating. For example, spinach is viewed by most as a superfood, but for someone who must reduce oxalate levels in order to feel healthy, spinach would cause symptoms.

If you are trying to heal a chronic illness, dietary considerations are a MUST. Anything you put into your mouth, especially daily, has an impact on your wellness outcome, without failure. Don’t overlook this essential piece of the puzzle in the hopes that you can skirt by without doing the hard work of evaluating your diet. What you eat is part of foundational health. Even if you’ve tried an elimination diet in the past, click on this link to learn more about the array of dietary considerations available to you.


Camel Milk

You would think camel milk belongs in “Dietary Considerations”, and for some, it most definitely does, because those with cow milk allergies can usually tolerate (and heal with) camel milk, so it makes a nice substitution for a “dairy-free” diet. Seems almost comical to be drinking a mammal’s milk and still refer to yourself as “dairy-free,” but the term “dairy-free” has come to specifically refer to an avoidance of cow milk, so I do still consider us “dairy-free,” since it communicates an avoidance of anything made from cow milk. It’s just easier that way.

Camel milk however is much more than a milk, it’s a medicinal super food, and it packs a powerful healing punch that is unrivaled. Ironically, it actually HEALS allergies and improves the immune system as well as helping regulate insulin levels. The Lactoferrin in camel milk has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It inhibits the growth of E. coli, K. pneumoniae, Clostridium, H.pylori, S. aureus, and C. albicans, therefore you can expect a powerful digestive cleanse when you start drinking camel milk! It’s highly effective and tastes just like skim milk so there should be no worries of strange or mysterious flavors.

Join my Facebook group “Healing with Camel Milk” to find access to suppliers. With over 11,000 members worldwide, there is no shortage of discussions.



Neutraceuticals are pharmaceutical alternatives.


Testing through lab tests plus

Sometimes it behooves us to know what we are up against. In the case of system-wide immune disarray seen in chronic illnesses, I recommend getting to know more about the toxins and pathogen that are disarming the body’s defenses. Chronic illness is rooted in chronic battles with the environment. By fine tuning your target, you will be much more successful with your treatment approach.

If you don’t have a doctor to order labs for you, or you just want to know about some simple to read diagnostics like glyphosate or mycotoxin testing, this link empowers you with self-guided testing.

NOTE - if you decide to do mycotoxin testing, it is important to provoke for a few days to a week before taking the urine sample. You can do that by giving glutathione and/or using an infrared sauna.

**I do however recommend having a doctor who can guide your interpretation of some of the more challenging tests, like the OAT (organic acid test). A doctor will also have a big picture perspective when combining multiple tests in order to assess complex health conditions like MCAD (Mast Cell Activation Disorder) and Lyme disease.

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Lyme Testing with Igenex

Conventional Lyme testing is inaccurate to say the least. Igenex uses the most cutting edge technology and technicians to identify Lyme disease and it’s co-infections. The ImmunoBlot test for Lyme disease has a sensitivity greater than 93%, whereas the ELISA and Western Blot two-tier testing protocol recommended by the CDC has a sensitivity of only 57.6%.

**Please be aware that a doctor’s signature IS required for the blood draw. Some Lyme literate doctors will order this test directly for you, but if your doctor isn’t lyme literate and you still want testing done through this lab, any doctor can sign off on the lab request for you, if you bring the kit to him or her.



With world class customer service and training, patented German engineering, and a following like no other PEMF product out there, this Swiss crafted product tops the rest in testimonials and satisfaction. In only 8 minutes, morning and night, you can improve oxygenation, blood flow and performance (yes, mental performance as well). 😆 I highly recommend the BEMER Essentials pack, which comes with everything you need for at home or on the go use.

BEMER stands for Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation. BEMER is an FDA Class II cleared consumer medical device that, during an 8-minute session, sends a low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field to the body in order to safely stimulate healthy muscles which temporarily enhances local blood flow, resulting in better disbursement of oxygen within the target tissues while supporting the elimination of CO2. Additional benefits from regular use of BEMER may include reduced stress, improved relaxation, optimized physical performance, enhanced muscle conditioning and physical fitness, and a better overall feeling of wellbeing.

If you would like to join my team, to become a distributor (with which you have no obligations to sell, but keep in mind, this product will sell itself if you share it with anyone 😉) click this link. I’d love to work with you on my team of practitioners, users and doctors. We have an active Telegram channel where we share testimonials, tips and updates. You would become part of a community providing support and encouragement every step of the way. BEMER offers free training online and in person, so take your pick and if you choose in person, write it off as a business expense, in fact, buying the unit is also a business write off, since you are essentially buying a business when you become a distributor. You will receive your own website and BEMER email. Just think about it. 😉

A sneak peek of what BEMER does best!


Personal Care Products

Find recommendations for: deodorant, hair care, oral care, skin care, make-up, low salicylate products for the hair and skin, and feminine care products.


Gentle Detoxification

There are so many contradicting schools of thought on detoxification, that it can get really confusing. Let’s briefly talk about how toxins effect our bodies. First, you must understand what a toxin is. Toxins consist of anything that the body cannot metabolize or anything that is foreign to the body. Sources of toxins are: food, water, noise, dramatic changes in weather, EMFs causing excessive radiation, emotional trauma, even an excess of normal chemicals in the body, and metatoxins which are the result of metabolized foods that cannot be eliminated. It is a commonly known fact that our bodies are 70% water. However, in actuality, that number is greater. I learned during a lecture by Dr. Robyn Murphy, ND that 99.5% of all molecules in the body are water. One molecule of a toxin (nicotine, stress hormone, GMO foods, etc.) will lock up 1000 molecules of water in our cell. That cell will begin to die or mutate, then it stops functioning. Once 20-30% of an organ's cellular function is down, you start seeing disease. The degeneration of intracellular fluids is the basis of all diseases.

Detoxification is at the heart of just about every recovery, from multiple diseases. I love the way Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN also known as the “Natural Nurse” once said it, “Pharmaceuticals do nothing but suppress the symptoms. If you want to stop the break down process [inflammation] you need to do detoxification.”  When our bodies can’t detoxify effectively enough, we store these toxins (in fat cells, tissues, organs and bones) which is a safety mechanism designed by the body, unfortunately this also means we are harboring them until we do something to encourage the body to release them.  

There are two parts to the process of managing detoxification and both are necessary to see success in management of toxins. First, we must reduce the intake of toxins from our environment and second, we must help our bodies release and effectively remove the toxins they are holding on to. This can be tricky if you have genetic mutations in your methylation pathways, causing bottlenecking of these toxins as they try to leave the body. This will result in an uptick in symptoms, meaning the detox organs are being strained. So, caution and balance must always be a top priority in your choices. 

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PACT organic clothing

Fast, Cheap, Disposable. Toxic, trendy and artificial. That’s been the status quo for fashion around the world for the last decade or more.

Let’s change the conversation about what’s in our closets. Let’s move beyond the surface level and go deeper into the impact that our choices make. With Pact, you can feel confident that what you purchase from us is good for humans and good for the environment — and we’re always working to be better.


Pact sources only the best 100% organic cotton, grown without fertilizers and crafted without harmful chemicals while saving gallons of water on every item they make. It’s pretty cool too, because with each order you place, they will tell you how many gallons of water you personally saved by placing that order with them, instead of their non-organic, non-sustainable counterparts.
