
You can imagine, this category would be endless if I were to include specific supplements from many brands, so what I have included below are the links for reputable brands I recommend. Just because it’s not on this list, doesn’t mean it isn’t also a reliable brand. These just happen to be the main brands I have personally researched and use.

One of THE most important aspects about supplement choices, especially in the methylated B supplements (MB12 and methylfolate), is to know what the genetics look like. If we don’t know how a person will tolerate these supplements, it’s possible to create a back up of these nutrients, resulting in symptoms that are indistinguishable from the very symptoms you are trying to resolve. I recommend the MaxGen Labs MaxFunction test which uses an easy cheek swab, meaning it can even be used on an infant! Most importantly, they do NOT sell your data, in fact, they destroy it after testing is complete. They also have cannabinoid genetics testing (can provide insight into whether you would respond well to products containing higher ratios of CBD or THC), as well as food/nutritional genetic testing.



Probiotic literally means “for life.” Probiotics are living beneficial bacteria that are responsible for the harmony and balance in our environment, as well as on and in our bodies. We don’t give much thought to the consequences of using products that decimate the beneficial bacteria in our soil, air, skin and body.

Here you will find probiotics of all kinds, probiotics for the gut, the skin, the teeth and even for your environment.

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Miss Lizzy’s Iodine and supporting Co-factors

A good portion of our population is iodine deficient. Iodine assists with detoxification as well as controlling pathogenic overgrowth, but what most people don’t realize is that iodine deficiency can also be at the root of thyroid and reproductive disorders as well as many types of cancer. Iodine is displaced from the body by chlorine, fluoride and bromine, all of which are available in excess via our water and diets.

It is really important to understand that no one should just start taking iodine without supporting it with cofactors needed to metabolize iodine properly. When you order from Miss Lizzy’s website, you will receive her “Getting Started” guide which is very important to the protocol. She will explain the whys and hows of iodine supplementation, as well as which other nutrients are important to the protocol. She supplies a few of the other cofactors right on her website, so you can get started right away.

Miss Lizzy’s Thiodine Lugol's Solution of Iodine is the original, full-strength solution of potassium iodide and molecular iodine. Sustainably-sourced from 250 million-year-old deep earth mines in the USA, Thiodine Lugol's Iodine is from some of the best iodine in the world. We use USP Grade, pharmaceutical-grade iodine.

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ZEOLITE - Touchstone Essentials

We only use Touchstone Essentials for their liquid nano zeolite so I can’t speak to the other products they offer. Using zeolite as a regular part of our routine gives me the piece of mind that we are gently detoxing daily, and avoiding build up of toxins by staying on top of it. My toxic elements (heavy metals) hair test was really clean after using zeolite regularly.

Made by the same creator as TRS, this natural nano-clinoptilite zeolite builds upon the reputation natural zeolite already has in the scientific arena. That’s not to say that TRS isn’t safe, we’ve used it quite successfully, but the studies confirming the safety of zeolite are all done on natural zeolite rather than synthetic zeolite, so I just decided to stick with the natural version. Why conduct an experiment when you don’t have to? This bottle is twice the size for less too.

Nano-sized zeolite liquid reaches to a cellular level and works like mini-magnets to attract and remove positively-charged toxins such as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and more. Using advanced nanotechnology, natural zeolite has a vast surface area to trap and remove toxins.

With over 300 studies listed on confirming the beneficial properties of Clinoptilolite zeolite, this mineral has gained increasing renown for its natural ability to trap toxins, heavy metals and environmental pollutants.

While synthetic zeolites are used in industrial applications, human and animal studies show benefit with whole, natural zeolite. Pure Body Extra Strength uses natural zeolite, purified to perfection, and nano-sized for a whole-body detox.


Healthy Gut supplements

Healthy gut support like no other! Of their products, my favorite are the HoloImmune, HoloZyme and Tributyrin-X. Used together, they pack a powerful gut punch 😉 see how I did that? Powerful punch, powerful gut punch? Anyway, if you are suffering from any chronic illnesses, I would stress that support needs to start with the gut. Eat an organic diet, weed out foods that are unhealthy or just unhealthy for your body, limit processed foods and the three products mentioned above, when combined, have a synergistic effect on the gut. Healthy gut = healthy mind.

HoloImmune in particular is a unique product that I haven’t seen developed by anyone else yet. It’s an adaptogenic immune support called a parabiotic, and what that means is that they use beneficial bacteria, although this isn’t a probiotic. What makes this different is that these bacteria are immature and heat killed, yet they have immune modulating effects such as: supporting upper respiratory immune health year round, aiding in skin-immune reactions and oral gum health, may balance under-active or overactive immune systems, may Increase SIgA, a strong protector of gut-immunity, supporting stress and age related decline in immune function, as well as activating special pDC cells, the leaders of the immune system. These parabiotics are paired with beta glucans which is also an incredible immune modulator.

Beta Glucans 1,3/1,6 from yeast has been studied extensively in humans and is shown to do many things. It was chosen for this formula because it’s been shown to support overall immune health for decades but also because it supports SIgA in the gut which is an important part of the innate immune system. Beyond that studies suggest this prebiotic is also supportive to moods and overall well being.

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Seeking Health

Seeking Health was created by the Author of Dirty Genes, Dr. Ben Lynch. He specializes in genetic mutations in the methylation (detox) pathways and understands which ingredients and supplement forms are best for over-methylators and under-methylators. His ingredients are the cleanest I’ve seen and his products are unique in quality and purpose.

I love his multi-B vitamin, B Minus, because he eliminated the B12 so that you can choose your form separately. We use his Hydoroxo B12 which a form tolerated by over methylators.

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Sophia Nutrition

Dr. Klinghardt’s expertise as a pioneer in healing mold toxicity, Lyme Disease, autoimmune disease, Autism, PANS, EMF sensitivity and more is the foundation for his supplement brand. His online store isn’t just about his products though, he offers a ton of other high quality brands like: Unda, Quicksilver, Mega SporeBiotic, Pekana, Quinton Originals, Vital Nutrients, Thorne and more.

Some of my favorite products by Sophia Nutrition are his Chlorella Growth Factor, Sophia Flow and Matrix Electrolytes.

FYI - Sophia Flow has proven to be one of the most effective treatments for Autism and brain fog. Sophia Flow contains a precursor to GcMAF making it a one of a kind product! In our house, I consider this a staple.

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Anna’s Remedies

Prevent and fight the flu and colds naturally with homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy has a 60% success history in flu prevention. Influenzinum and Thymuline form the homeopathic flu protection protocol developed by French homeopathic doctors. Influenzinum is a remedy made with the season's flu strains recommended by the WHO and FDA and updated each year. Thymuline is a homeopathic immunity booster, supporting the function of the thymus gland which is key for a healthy immune response.

Cold Armor is a powerful homeopathic remedy for stuffy and runny nose, cough, headaches, chills, and weakness. 

CoxiFlu 200C is homeopathy's #1 acute flu relief remedy recommended by natural and integrative health professionals and often known under the name of Oscillococcinum.

All three remedies are prepared as lactose-free, liquid formulas for easy absorption.

The 4 remedies, provide natural flu protection all winter long and acute support and relief if cold or flu symptoms appear.

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Thorne refuses to take short cuts. They have invested in doing comprehensive testing, sourcing the highest quality ingredients, creating a clean manufacturing process, and protecting the environment. Their team of medical professionals, researchers, and engineers lead with science, thoughtfully refining every product and process.

Incoming ingredients are quarantined until tested and verified. They test for 760 unique items! They have invested in two state-of-the-art in-house laboratories that allow them to conduct four rounds of testing, while most competitors test only one or two times.

We use Thorne liquid vitamin K2, selenium and micellized vitamin A. If you require a yeast-free selenium, because of a yeast allergy or sensitivity, Solaray makes a 200mcg and a 100mcg version to choose from.

Thorne also offers a variety of at home tests with a personalized plan! A test I would recommend for anyone who is sluggish, chilly or having trouble with weight gain is the thyroid test. Most doctors only order a TSH test which is not enough information to determine true thyroid function. TSH is only part of the picture. Free T3 and Free T4, as well as antibodies, are all important to the overall picture of thyroid function.

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NeuroProtek is a natural mast cell stabilizer. They also make a low phenol version called NeuroPortek LP. It Can take a full 90 days to see benefits.

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NOW Foods

NOW Foods has been a trusted brand since 1968. They provide organic and non-GMO foods, and they are working towards non-GMO certification for all of their supplements as well. I’ve used many of their supplements personally and continue to do so with confidence that they take pride in their safety record. Very few companies are able to say their capsules are non-GMO and I love that NOW Foods is making this a priority.

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Gemmotherapy with Lauren Hubele

Gemmotherapy uses the extracts of plant embryonic tissues from the first buds and shoots. These tissues are the most nutrient-dense part of the plant, containing more vitamins, oligo-elements, minerals, nucleic acids and growth material than any other part of the plant. This is what we would call herbal stem cells.

Gemmotherapy acts through drainage, stimulation and regeneration of the cells, tissues and organs and has over 50 years of university level biochemical and clinical studies in Europe to determine the individual properties and actions each extract has on particular organs and organ systems.

Lauren Hubele brings us high quality European made gemmotherapy extracts, as well as offering classes and education about using this powerful modality of healing. Gemmotherapy can be used for acute and chronic illnesses alike. You will find single remedies, combination remedy blends and household remedy kits on her website. She also offers consultations!


Flowerchild CBD

I’ve tried a lot of different brands of CBD and many of them made us worse. I later came to find out it had to do with the strain ratios of the supply. This brand was recommended to me by a nurse who reviewed our genetic makeup to pair us with a strain that supported our cannabinoid system more appropriately. Having sensitivities to oxalate accumulation, we do have to limit our usage to acute needs, but we love having this around for tense moments.

Their hemp flower is organically-grown and tested for pesticides, heavy metals, molds, mildew, and potency. Their grape seed oil is cold-pressed and non-GMO. They use certified organic herbs and essential oils in their products, and certified organic peppermint oil for peppermint tinctures.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a collection of cell receptors within a mammal’s body. Scientists discovered this system in the 1990s.

Cannabinoids work with the mammalian Endocannabinoid System (ECS), which is a vast and vital receptor system essential for maintaining homeostasis, or good health. This receptor system exists in the immune system, the central nervous system, and within many organs. The ECS accepts our bodies’ own endocannabinoids as well as the cannabinoids found in hemp.

The ECS is designed to repair damaged cells and provide a state of internal stability necessary for survival, despite fluctuations in our external environment.

A human’s endocannabinoid system affects many regions of the body, including functions of the immune system, the central nervous system (including the brain), organs, connective tissue, and glands.

The ECS assists in various biological tasks, including appetite, analgesia, energy & balance, immune function, memory, metabolism, sleep, stress response, thermoregulation, and the function of the autonomic nervous system.

A cannabinoid is a compound that fits into a cannabinoid receptor. Hemp produces over 80 different cannabinoids that work synergistically with a mammal’s endocannabinoid system.

FlowerChild products are whole-plant extracts that include a range of beneficial compounds found in hemp, including cannabinoids and other phyto-compounds (such as terpenes and flavonoids) that work together to heighten health benefits, otherwise known in science as the Entourage Effect.

When our bodies are deficient in endocannabinoids, FlowerChild’s natural phyto-cannabinoids can be introduced to stimulate activity in the ECS’s major receptors, CB1 and CB2. The effects are systemic and restore proper balance, allowing for a self-regulated immune response to a variety of ailments.

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ION Biome

Previously known as Restore. ION*Gut Health increases the body’s production of beneficial enzymes through redox signaling (cellular communication).

Those beneficial enzymes strengthen the tight junctions (the seals between cells) in our gut lining – the barrier protecting us from toxic substances like glyphosate and gluten while allowing the entry of beneficial nutrients.

It’s a critical barrier to keep strong so that a vibrant microbiome can flourish. Good health depends entirely on gut health because a lot more than digestion happens in the gut. It’s also where proper immune system function begins and the majority of our neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, are created.

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E3 Advanced Plus - Multi-enzyme, probiotic & prebiotic

It’s rare that we let the kids eat out, we usually only allow that at dedicated gluten-free restaurants and you know how many of those are around. 😒 But on a rare occasion, when it’s a special event and we have a few trusted places that we eat at, we will let them eat out, using these enzymes. The autoimmune process can be triggered by problematic foods like gluten, dairy and egg and this product prevents that process from even getting started! I find that valuable.

E3 Advanced Plus is a gluten and protein busting formula uniquely designed with powerful enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics to break down gluten proteins by targeting both internal and external peptide bonds.

This product is shown to produce 99% digestion of all 8 major antigens (wheat, dairy, soy, egg, nuts, fish, hemp, pea) within 90 minutes. The probiotic in E3 Advanced Plus, in the dosages used in our product, has been shown in a USA University study to ‘normalize cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose where you see a reduction compared to placebo’.

The products in this store were created by Dr. Tom O’Bryan. If you’ve looked through my recommended reading page, you will see his books listed there. He has an uncanny way of simplifying complex ideas and he does it with a sense of humor. You can also catch a few videos on his website, I find him fun to listen to!

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I recommend owning your own nebulizer, if you don’t already. Inhalation delivers products directly to the blood stream in mere seconds as opposed to using the digestive tract which slows the process down. Delivery of holistic options as opposed to medication is my intent here. When an acute infection catches you off guard, you want to be equipped to respond quickly no matter what time of day or night it is. Having this handy could actually prevent an illness from taking hold, if you catch it early enough.

According to Dr. Mark Sircus “transdermal medicine applied through a nebulizer is ideal for direct treatment to the lungs. Transdermal methods of delivery are increasingly being used because they allow the absorption of medicine directly through the skin and in this case we conceptualize the lungs as an inner skin. Such treatments ensure that medications reach the site of needed action directly; bypassing the stomach and liver meaning a much greater percentage of the active ingredient gets to target tissues. See his protocols here.

At the Ohio State University Medical Center, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, and pulmonologists endorse what they call off-label nebulization. Off-label nebulization is a rapidly growing area of patient care and in time new research and practical experience will bring us much more information on how magnesium and other agents like sodium bicarbonate, iodine, peroxide and glutathione can be administered directly into the lungs for many difficult-to-treat conditions. Even DMSO has been used in veterinarian medicine and naturopaths have used Tea Tree Oil from Australia, which is used topically as fungicide antiseptic and germicide. Eucalyptus oil has also been used forever because it is a known bronchial-dilator.

Magnesium chloride oil should be nebulized as an isotonic solution – delivering 7.5g magnesium chloride per 100ml of distilled water – closely equal to 3.5 tsp of magnesium oil per 100ml. Nebulization of magnesium is an alternative method of treatment for patients with pulmonary problems or infections, or for those undergoing bronchoscopy. Magnesium nebulized directly into the lungs offers all the same positive therapeutic effects that other types of administration methods do but concentrates the effects in the lung and bronchial tissues.

Nebulized inhaled magnesium sulfate in addition to 2-agonist in the treatment of an acute asthma exacerbation, appears to have benefits with respect to improved pulmonary function in patients with severe asthma. Heterogeneity between trials included in this review precludes a more definitive conclusion.[3] Nebulized magnesium is well tolerated without any adverse effects.[4]

This link will offer you a variety of children’s nebulizers and accessories, even for use with infants.

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Pure Formulas carries a lot of the brands recommended above.

PureFormulas is a leader in the online health and supplement space. They specialize in offering GMP certified quality products, including nutritional supplements and organic foods, as well as beauty, sports nutrition, and pet products.

They provide free shipping for more than 40,000 products. Their professional team works with a board of healthcare advisors to keep up-to-date with their customers' needs and current healthcare trends.

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My favorite use for BioRay is liver support with their LiverLife, but they offer so much more in support of gentle detoxification, gut health, they even offer gentle aging support products.

Chinese herbalism encompasses a simplicity, richness of history, and completeness as a system of healing. BIORAY® has married ancient Chinese herbalism with science to bring you and your family clinically effective liquid dietary supplements.

BioRay uses sustainability harvested organic herbs and sourced ingredients, giving their herbal extracts uncompromised quality. 
All of their formulas are produced in the United States. This allows them to participate in all aspects of quality control; from traditional Chinese tincturing to their unique micronization process.

Using coupon code: ASKHEALTHYJESS will give you a 10% off discount each time you use it to place your orders.


Professional Formulas

It may seem slightly confusing to buy “Professional Formulas” at Pure Formulas since their names are so similar, 😛 but you can’t purchase Professional Formulas directly. It is only available from practitioners or resellers like Pure Formulas.

I like this brand, because it carries hard to find homeopathic nosodes for many common infections including mold toxicity!

It’s best to use homeopathy under a trained homeopath, which is another good reason to join my paid-membership coaching community on Facebook. 😏

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Another Practitioner-only company who offers homeopathic remedies and supplements. I have a practitioner account for this company and for a drop ship and service fee, I can have orders delivered directly to you, but you would have to be a member of my paid-membership coaching community on Facebook. 😘



There are many forms of magnesium, each with their strengths and weaknesses. Ideally, we should acquire magnesium from many sources, keeping in mind what we would like to accomplish with the forms we choose.

Doublewood Supplements offers the four types I recommend most. I’ve read that people with chronic issues should consider getting between 3-5mg/lb of body weight, in elemental magnesium, daily.

Contributions to magnesium depletion are inflammation which causes us to burn through our minerals rapidly, any form of stress on the body, EMF and ionizing radiation like x-rays and CT scans, toxins, sugar in the diet, vigorous exercise, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphates, fluoride, all toxic metals, alcohol use severely depletes magnesium, and of course diarrhea depletes magnesium rapidly, as well. You can purchase from Amazon, using the links below, or you can purchase directly from Doublewood supplements with this link.

Let’s look at a quick overview of what each form is best used for:

Chloride - Detoxing, metabolism, kidney function, relaxation, heart and nerve support, and healthy sleep.

Another GREAT form of chloride is ionic liquid ReMag and the paired minerals known as ReMyte. For those who reach bowel tolerance quickly (before reaching your optimal dose) you might want to consider adding in ReMag which rapidly absorbs intracellularly, leaving nothing behind to cause diarrhea. It’s also great for kids, since it’s liquid, but the taste isn’t very desirable for kids, unless they are ok taking a sip of water that isn’t very tasty.

If you would prefer encapsulated ionic (nano-sized) magnesium chloride, Good State offers 115mg of ionic magnesium per capsule, which is a great dose! Combining a few forms is ideal.

Malate - Energizing, fibromyalgia, migraines, muscle pain, nerve and joint support. Helps with the formation of key neurotransmitters.

Taurate - Cardiovascular health and the heart, relaxation and healthy sleep.

L-Threonate - My FAVORITE form to start with for everyone!! Brain injuries, PTSD, depression, neuro conditions, anxiety, it crosses the blood brain barrier, overall cognitive function and healthy sleep.If you don’t use this recommended brand, make sure you are at least using a brand that uses MagTein.

Orotate - Metabolic improvements, like improving athletic performance and endurance, and for heart health.

Smidge Morning Magnesium is a nice combination of Malate, Taurate and Orotate, with a sprinkle of boron.

Other forms to consider:

Magnesium water (bicarbonate) - Considered an electrolyte, it is one of the cofactors and improves magnesium absorption. “Magnesium bicarbonate is a complex hydrated salt only found in liquid form, it is naturally present in pristine drinking water, it is not found in any foods. Prior to the industrial revolution, when food was food, there were 84 organic plant based minerals in the foods we ate and bicarbonate salts in the water we drank. It is impossible to get mag bicarb through eating food.”

Magnesium sulfate - Otherwise known as Epsom salts. This form will push oxalates off of receptor sites and into the excretion pathways, therefore going slow if there is an oxalate problem is essential, otherwise massive oxalate dumping may occur and symptoms will actually worsen rather than improve, at least initially. Foot baths are a great way to begin using epsom salt baths, working up to full baths. B6 in the form of P-5-P supports the glyoxalate pathways, encouraging healthy oxalate detox, but again, go slow so you don’t encourage oxalate dumping too fast. If you are unsure if you need to consider a low oxalate diet, take my mini quiz to see which diet would serve you best from the three I recommend most often (GFCFSF, Low oxalate or Low Salicylate). Sometimes all three are necessary, but knowing which diet is the most problematic would be a good place to start.

Magnesium citrate is effective at binding oxalate in the digestive tract as well as dissolving oxalate, if taken BEFORE a high oxalate meal (although I prefer Magnesium orotate or magnesium taurate for this purpose), however, magnesium citrate is not otherwise recommended to be taken in large, regular quantities, because it interferes with Ceruloplasmin and can cause iron dysregulation and health issues. In small periodic quantities when citrate is low, or used to reduce oxalate accumulation, this can be a good addition to a larger variety of magnesium supplements.

And lastly, magnesium glycinate would be a form to avoid if you suspect an oxalate problem, because glycinate can convert to oxalate. If you know that you don’t have an oxalate problem, mag glycinate can be relaxing and help with nerve pain and leaky gut. Just be SURE you know your oxalate status. One way to begin investigation is to read more on oxalate-related symptoms and another is to have an OAT (Organic Acid Test) done. It’s a simple urine test that can be ordered without a doctor online.

Synergists of magnesium are vitamins A, D, E, and K.  Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine has a close relationship with magnesium.  Magnesium is thought to help the B vitamins incorporate into some enzymes.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine is a synergist with magnesium in glucose metabolism. Vitamin C is a synergist in connective tissue synthesis. Tetraiodothyronine or T4 increases cellular magnesium levels.  In fact, many nutrients are synergistic with magnesium because magnesium is involved in almost all body functions.

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Quicksilver Scientific

The lipsomal deliver system is the preferred method of supplementation, because it encourages the highest absorption possible. At their highest expression, liposomes bring the power of intravenous therapy into a convenient oral delivery. However, all liposomes are not created equally. Most liposomes on the market use low grades of phospholipids, e.g. raw lecithin, instead of the high-phosphatidylcholine phospholipid mixes necessary for a quality liposome. Other supplement manufacturers typically use cheap shear methods resulting in large (200–600nm), poorly absorbed particles.

Quicksilver Delivery Systems improves upon basic liposomal delivery technology with smaller, more stable, tightly distributed single-layer spheres (20-70nm) made from the highest-grade ingredients available. These small vesicles begin absorbing as soon as they hit your mouth, so you can get high absorption of the product before it is altered by the harsh processes in the digestive system. Quicksilver Scientific uses the same high-tech equipment, rigorous processes, and tight particle size controls used by many pharmaceutical companies. Look for the clear difference of Quicksilver Delivery Systems.


Ionic boron

Boron is a mineral that is simply an activator, meaning it helps to activate or cause many other functions to happen within the body. You may recognize it as one of the minerals used in the bone building process, but it is involved in so much more!

I know we often focus on our kids, but as us parents age, we have to keep ourselves in tip-top shape, right? This info may help us age more gracefully.

Aching joints?
Candida overgrowth?
Hormone dysregulation?
Out of balance calcium and magnesium?
Vitamin D deficient?
Tooth decay?
Receding gums?
Iodine deficiency due to fluoride toxicity?

Consider boron supplementation!

Ionic boron is the safest form, because it doesn't accumulate and won't cause digestive upset. This product contains a particular form of fulvic acid to aid in the absorption.

Read more about boron deficiency and all the amazing benefits it has for our aging bodies here.



If none of the above links are what you are looking for, or perhaps you know the brand you want, but don’t know which vendors you can trust, here is a list of a few online vendors who sell multiple high quality brands, including their own:

Many supplement vendors also sell foods, personal care products, home and pet products.
