For the Planet

Our environment encompasses much more than just our indoor home environment. If we truly want a healthy environment, we must also consider the environment surrounding our home, because after all, the air we breath and the water we drink in our home starts with the atmosphere outside.


Mercury-containing lightbulb recycling Centers

It’s not really a matter of “if” you are going to break one of these ticking time bombs, it’s “when.” We can’t realistically toss a lightbulb into a garbage can and expect the fragile glass to remain in tact, once the garbage bag is tossed into the garbage truck and eventually into a landfill. Think about all those lightbulbs! Where does the mercury go when they break during processing or transportation? Into your environment. So if you have any CFL (compact fluorescent) or fluorescent lightbulbs, please take the time to recycle them properly. This isn’t just for your environment, it’s for your children’s and grandchildren’s and yes it makes a difference!

How is a lightbulb containing mercury recycled you ask…the bulbs are separated into in a container in which the air is brought to subpressure, thereby preventing mercury from being released into the environment. Then the phosphor powder is separated in different steps from the glass and metal by-products. The mercury bearing powder is collected in distiller barrels beneath the cyclone and the self-cleansing dust filters. Mercury is extracted and then the remaining parts can be reused.

Many home improvement stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot have recycling collection centers for lightbulbs, but if you don’t have one nearby, check this to find other possible locations.


Lawn care

Everything you (or the company you hired) applies to your lawn and/or gardening has the potential to end up in our water cycle, which ends up in our rainwater and potentially even our drinking water. The water cycle is recycled within our environment and like our bodies, the ability of the earth to detoxify the bombardment of toxins has limits. We are seeing results of this toxicity saturation in aquatic life, in milk produced by animals eating grass that is tainted and in our drinking water supplies.

The more pristine the neighborhood the worse the chemical use usually is. In order to keep up with the Jones’ unsuspecting homeowners hire fancy lawn care companies to maintain their perfect lawns. Some neighborhood bylaws even require consistency in the lawns in the neighborhoods!

Most people don’t realize that there are safer ways to keep up a healthy and lush lawn. If you don’t care to offer pollinators a lovely dandelion field in your yard there are other options. Just keep in mind that if you find a “natural” lawn care company, you must question them about their products, because natural or organic doesn’t necessarily mean non-toxic. You can usually create the perfect lawn care program for your needs with companies like NaturaLawn of America.


Avoid Plastic

According to one study, over 8 million TONS of plastic pollution ends up int he ocean each year!! I just want to make sure you noticed, that is each year!

It’s easy to give little thought to the plastic water bottle in your hand, because, well, it’s only one….but it isn’t. It’s one now, one later, one tomorrow, one on Thursday, etc. times how many people on the planet? And zip lock baggies, just this one, right? What about the straws given out at restaurants with every drink?

Use refillable water bottles (fill with your own filtered water), place food in reusable packaging or containers, use stainless steel or paper straws, recycle, buy wooden instead of plastic toothbrushes, use bar soap instead of bottled, use a razor with replaceable blades instead of disposable razors, use cloth diapers (yes, the diapers have plastic in them! The EPA estimates that 7.6 billion pounds of disposable diapers are discarded in the US each year), buy reusable bags for produce and shopping, buy products in boxes instead of bottles, bring your own container for takeout instead of using their styrofoam containers, use matches instead of disposable plastic lighters, don’t use plastic utensils at home and ask restaurants to leave them out of your take-out bag, make fresh squeezed juice instead of buying bottled juice, etc.

Small changes do add up to huge gains! Imagine if everyone did some of the above?


Cleaning non-toxic

An easy and very inexpensive place to start cleaning up the toxins is to change the way you clean, more importantly, change what you use to clean. Reducing these toxins in the home will impact the earth, because everything we flush down a toilet, sink or tub, ends up in our water table where it can effect our environment.  

The EPA ranks indoor air quality as a top five environmental risk to public health. EPA studies found indoor air pollutants were generally 2-5 times greater than outdoor pollution levels and in some cases, this soared to 100x greater! Many things contribute to this air pollution, like:  poor ventilation, the use of air fresheners, chemical laden household cleaners, toxic paints, varnishes and furniture treated with fire retardants, mold biotoxins and so on. So, if you can work to reduce this burden in your environment, one step at a time, you will increase the quality of your indoor air. 

There are many healthier products coming to the commercial market, but you must also be careful, because many of them advertise one thing and deliver another. I always use the Environmental Working Group website to help me navigate healthy options for the home and body.


Plant pollinator gardens

Pollinators are responsible for 1 out of 3 bites of food we take each day, and yet pollinators are at critical point in their own survival. Many reasons contribute to their recent decline. We know for certain, however, that more nectar and pollen sources provided by more flowering plants and trees will help improve their health and numbers. Increasing the number of pollinator-friendly gardens and landscapes will help revive the health of bees, butterflies, birds, bats and other pollinators across the country.

The Million Pollinator Garden Challenge (MPGC) is a nationwide call to action to preserve and create gardens and landscapes that help revive the health of bees, butterflies, birds, bats and other pollinators across America. We will move millions of individuals, kids and families outdoors and make a connection between pollinators and the healthy food people eat.


Recycling right

Of course you are recycling, right? The right answer here is yes! But do you know HOW to properly recycle? Did you even know there were rules? Well, there are. It can vary from town to town a little bit, but this is a good overview. When in doubt, contact your local recycling company or township for more details about your services.

If your city doesn’t offer recycling, there are likely still other avenues for recycling in your area. Recycle Nation is an excellent resource for searching for recycling locations for all types of different materials.


Boogie Water Filter for your hose

If you love to garden, the kids play in your hose water or your use your hose to fill a pool, this is a must-have item!

They have two options of filtration for your hose water and one can even be used as a pre-filter to extend the life of the other which has a dual catalytic-carbon & KDF membrane.


Eley Polyurethane Garden Hose

Have complete peace-of-mind while watering your vegetable garden or filling your pet’s water dish or drinking straight from the hose on those hot summer days.  All components and materials used to produce the ELEY FDA-grade polyurethane hoses are 100% lead-free and drinking-water-safe.  Polyurethane is also inherently resistant to mold and mildew growth, making it ideally suited for damp environments or conditions that foster undesirable fungi.   

The revolutionary ELEY lead-free brass fittings are lead-free through and through, unlike many fittings that only have a lead-free coating or plating to protect you from the toxic metal underneath.   Also, unlike aluminum fittings, ELEY brass fittings will never weld (galvanically corrode) themselves to your faucet or brass watering tools.

Available in sizes that range from 6.5 feet to 200 feet, as well as custom sizes available.


Coming soon!

Check back for more healthy, planet saving options.
