Differential diagnosis & the string of untimely deaths

Medical differentials have existed since the inception of health care. It lays the groundwork for a thorough and effective diagnosis, which ultimately leads us to the proper solution, therefore, I think it would be safe to say that every patient would choose to leave no stone unturned, correct? I mean, if you had a life threatening health condition, would you want to leave any potential causes off the table? Guessing you said no there. Because who wouldn’t? 😳

What exactly is a differential diagnosis? From the Cleveland Clinic:

Your healthcare provider will compile a differential diagnosis, which is a list of conditions that share the same symptoms to help make a final diagnosis. The differential diagnosis will direct your healthcare provider to offer tests to rule out conditions and lead them to find the cause of your symptoms.

This applies to ALL health care providers, including mainstream, holistic, and functional professionals, because how can anyone choose a course of recovery without knowing what they are aiming at?

When a patient presents with chronic or repetitive, flu-like symptoms the obvious might be to consider the flu of course, but the differential should also include things like food poisoning, acute toxin exposure, lyme disease, other infections and more. I have noticed that until the holistic community began speaking out about the connection between lyme and flu-like symptoms, it wasn’t part of the typical differential, however now, because of vocalization, it’s become more common to see this as part of many doctor’s differentials. I would like to see mold become a more common differential as well, and if you follow or work with me, you will notice that I am a strong advocate for encouraging this change amongst providers.

Where else might we need to consider an update to the differential diagnosis?

Would you agree that things have changed as a whole since C o V I D and it’s “vaccine” hit the scene? To clarify, mysterious illnesses are on the rise, sometimes following the wild illness, as well as the injection they are labeling as a vaccine. 

Side note - Let’s just be medically appropriate here, this injection is not a vaccine in the traditional sense. It is technically, legally and medically considered gene therapy. The use of the term “vaccine” has muddied the waters a bit, but in terms of marketing, it was genius, because many people trust vaccines which have been around for decades, while gene therapy is new on the scene. Don’t get me wrong, my use of the word genius isn’t to imply that I think this was ethically and morally thought out, or that I agree with it in any way. In fact, I personally think it’s like illegal marketing bait and switch. They lure you in under the premise that you are getting a vaccine and then offer you a gene therapy injection, and even worse, it’s typically without any informed consent. Sounds illegal, doesn’t it?

Why did I bring this all up in reference to the differential diagnosis of the recent string of untimely deaths? Stay with me. I’m getting there.

Back to how things have changed since the introduction of gene therapy. 

There should be no surprise to you that we have seen a palpable rise in heart attacks, strokes, thrombotic illnesses, dangerous blood clots and even suddenly aggressive cancers…and most disturbingly, this is occurring in not only younger people then ever before, but even young adults in their teens and twenties! This should be turning heads. I think we owe it to each of the victims of these conditions to consider the full range of differentials, do you agree? If it was you or your child, would you want to know every single possible cause so you can manage or heal the condition appropriately? And that is assuming the person survives the event. Many have not, sadly. We wouldn’t want their deaths to be in vain. Evolution and advancements in healing requires us to learn from every case, regardless of the cause and whether that ruffles some feathers. The families deserve that, it’s their right.

I’ve seen a lot of people claim ignorance, because they just don’t know the statistics that confirm there has actually been a significant increase in deaths in 2021, which just happens to be when mass gene therapy injections were delivered to more than half of the population of the world. There is plenty of evidence of this though, you just have to look for it. So let’s nip that variable in the bud right now.

One startling resource that stuck with me was the announcement by a prominent health insurance executive that the all-cause mortality rate had jumped 40% in one year, which doesn’t happen even in a 200 year flood. 10% is considered an anomaly according to health insurance executives who have shared this data. In casual conversations, I have also confirmed this data within channels I have access to personally. It appears to be across the board, and doesn’t include C o V I D deaths. Unfortunately, you won’t find this is the mainstream media outlets, but the data is still factual and accessible should you want to dig a little deeper into it. I share all of this data as it becomes available, in my Telegram channel, censoredNOmore. There are many countries reporting similar statistics. I share news like that regularly as I come across it. The coolest feature of Telegram is that you can search previous posts using keywords. Check it out!

I’d like to share an image from this article

In case you aren’t aware of this, even the manufacturers of the injections have included myocarditis and thrombosis/thrombocytopenia syndrome in their list of potential side effects. If you can get your hands on their trial and post marketing data, I highly recommend perusing it, because the details there are much more specific, and quite eye opening I might add. The C D C also briefly mentions these happenings on their website so they can say they told you it was a potential outcome. Guess what that means? It means you are responsible for the outcome of taking a drug with informed consent, but do you think doctors are showing this data to their patients? No, of course not, which means informed consent is on you, even though they technically are obligated to provide informed consent to every one of their patients. That is a discussion for another day though.

Did you know that the most common vaccines used in the US are not even fully approved in children, yet they are being promoted as “safe and effective?” It is still under EUA (emergency use authorization) which means many safety steps were skipped to bring it to market. The following are boldly shared on each of their websites.

So with that out of way, we can say without an ounce of doubt, that since the injection hit the scene (notice I didn’t say since C o V I D hit the scene here, because the statistics above show a steep rise in 2021, not 2020 when you would have seen a rise if C o V I D alone were the cause) we have seen a marked change in a very particular string of sudden and untimely deaths and illnesses. I would consider that to be a fact, wouldn’t you? I know, I know, correlation does not equal causation.  So this is where the unemotional differential diagnosis comes into play.

As times change and our exposures evolve, our diagnosis differentials must also change. We are now in an era where the supposed “cure” may actually be the cause, but how will we determine that if medical professionals (and you) don’t start raising this as a concern? If the shoe fits….

A differential diagnosis must include all potential causes, even if those who created this injection don’t like the truth that may begin to take shape in the process.

So, if a new and experimental injection is, in fact, even remotely indicated in causing such horrendous illnesses and deaths, we owe it to the families to include it as part of their differential diagnosis. This must be considered, period. So why all the emotion surrounding this subject? I don’t know, feel into it and you tell me! 

In my opinion, this is just a matter of fact and must be explored for the sake of ethical and moral diagnosis.