Good vibrations - get your healing on!

Have you ever wished you could be plugged into a machine that spits out an instant report detailing everything going on with your body, just like your mechanic can for your car? Well believe it or not, you can! Have you ever heard of radionics and bio resonance?

Remote bio resonance scanning uses an energy field known as quantum entanglement to connect a device and the individual for the sake of “reading” an energy pattern output by the body, along with all of it’s organ systems. Every cell in our body, every organ, every emotion and disease all have their own unique frequency fields that can be identified and digitized. These frequencies are reproducible in each person, in other words the frequency for every healthy blood cell or liver tissue mirrors that of another healthy person’s, aka - same frequency. When our body is out of sync with health, those frequencies change and the indicated frequency pattern can even tell us if the tissue is under or over active according to it’s frequency output.

If you have ever used a body fat/BMI analyzer at the gym…you step on it and the electrodes send a signal through your body that pings back into the device using biofeedback, and gives you your BMI, weight, muscle/fat ratio, hydration percentage etc. How does it do that? It is a simple signal sent through your body - every cell has a different electrical resistance, voltage and frequency and these basic body analyzers can read these parameters, digitize the feedback and provide a report. A bio resonance scan is a very advanced form of this technology, with many more parameters to read every cell and organ in the body and then it digitizes the feedback into numbers, visuals and reports that you are able to understand easily.

There is an entire scientific field dedicated to understanding how these frequencies function, which is how we know what frequencies are considered healthy versus unhealthy tissue. The technology is based on the works of Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, Albert Einstein, and others that realized that everything physical, at its most fundamental level, is actually energy frequency. Biophysicists in Russia pioneered the work of identifying specific frequencies in the human body and amassed a database of more than 120,000 different frequencies. These frequencies are the same in every person. Medical researchers in Germany found that the health of an organ, tissue, system or cell structure within the body can be determined by passing micro-current frequencies through the body and measuring the current’s resistance.

There are many practitioners that practice this form of quantum feedback for the sake of monitoring the systems of the body. Their results are often incredibly accurate, even if a little overwhelming. Now remember, this modality does not presume to cure any diseases, and all treatments chosen based on quantum feedback should be discussed with your physician. 

Using bio resonance, however, gives us the ability to detect energy patterns in the body resulting in an unimaginable amount of information that can educate you about the body, which allows you to fine tune your healing choices. Many of these machines can also send frequencies back to the body according to the readings, in an attempt to help the body optimize the out of range frequencies. Even more intriguing is that when a frequency is sent to the body during a scan, as it is received by the target host, that frequency also has the ability to initiate a healing pattern in the host!! So even just running the scan can sometimes be enough to correct the energetic imbalance if it was not already deeply engrained. For the things that are not corrected though, the report would indicate it’s still a problem and we could consider those potentially chronic patterns, or perhaps more deeply rooted.

You probably noticed I used the word “remote,” meaning from a distance, so you are probably curious about how this function is possible. 

Let me give you an example from every day life that will help you understand this concept. When you turn on a radio, you hear music that is being broadcast by a station through the airwaves, using a specific frequency. In fact, the very frequency being used to connect your radio to the music being played remotely from a building somewhere else in the world is the frequency you physically dial into on the radio. 

Have you ever wondered how this is possible? The frequency (electromagnetic waves) is generated by a transmitter which radiates the waves that are sent out into the atmosphere. When those frequencies pass by an antenna that is tuned into the coordinating frequency, the waves are picked up and can be tuned into by the radio device.

Here is a more technical explanation of the science behind this mechanism, from “explain that stuff” [1]


“How does this happen? The electromagnetic energy, which is a mixture of electricity and magnetism, travels past you in waves like those on the surface of the ocean. These are called radio waves. Like ocean waves, radio waves have a certain speed, length, and frequency. The speed is simply how fast the wave travels between two places. The wavelength is the distance between one crest (wave peak) and the next, while the frequency is the number of waves that arrive each second. Frequency is measured with a unit called hertz, so if seven waves arrive in a second, we call that seven hertz (7 Hz). If you've ever watched ocean waves rolling in to the beach, you'll know they travel with a speed of maybe one meter (three feet) per second or so. The wavelength of ocean waves tends to be tens of meters or feet, and the frequency is about one wave every few seconds.

When your radio sits on a bookshelf trying to catch waves coming into your home, it's a bit like you standing by the beach watching the breakers rolling in. Radio waves are much faster, longer, and more frequent than ocean waves, however. Their wavelength is typically hundreds of meters—so that's the distance between one wave crest and the next. But their frequency can be in the millions of hertz—so millions of these waves arrive each second. If the waves are hundreds of meters long, how can millions of them arrive so often? It's simple. Radio waves travel unbelievably fast—at the speed of light (300,000 km or 186,000 miles per second).”

This phenomenon is not limited to radio waves, but we understand the basic concept of radio waves, because the waves can be captured and translated into the music that was sent on that wave, for us to listen to anywhere in the world.

This YouTube video from MIT explains how cell phones send and receive signals, which describes this concept in more detail. If you are in a stadium with thousands of other people and I dial your phone, the sound waves pass through all the other people and only your phone rings. Your phone is the antenna. As an electrically conductive human on this planet, you are also an antenna, with your own frequency thumbprint.

You can now apply this concept to the human body, or even a plant or animal. We each have our own individual frequency, like a thumb print, and as mentioned above, our organs, blood cells and emotions all have specific frequencies as well. We can be “tuned into” using these frequencies like the radio station. Human bodies are electromagnetic and conductive, just like antennas. The cool thing about these electromagnetic fields is that they are a two way street. We can send AND receive them. This information is then able to be translated by the incredibly intelligent programs in the technology and digitized into words we can read on a report. 


We recently had some scans done on our boys, because we’ve been trying to decide on a “next step” approach to healing. Our fifteen year old has been experiencing some unsavory agitation and irritability. He has even had a resurgence of tics that have been gone for years. We chalked it up to either hormones or possible mold exposure we experienced this summer. And I’m not going to lie, it also messed with my mind, because I was beginning to wonder if we had missed yet another mold issue in our home. That thought can trigger PTSD for someone who has been through many costly, disruptive and invasive remediation projects. So while trying to keep myself together to make rational decisions about our treatment options, I was researching and feeling like I kept hitting dead ends with either of those paths. Lots of kids go through puberty without becoming angry, belligerent and unhappy. Something more was going on and I was going to get to the bottom of it. So I decided to head down the path of quantum biofeedback and radionics to find some additional guidance in choosing a treatment direction.

The day of the bio resonance scan for our older son, my husband came into my office and quietly asked me if there was a remedy I could give him, because he had so much agitation that it was becoming hard to live with for everyone. I told him I’d actually like to wait so we can get a good read from his scan. In fact, I WANTED this agitation to be activated so the top layer of his condition was clearly accessible by the scan. When you go for biofeedback scans that read which part of the brain is activated during a flare, the ideal situation is to be smack in the middle of a flare so you can see exactly what part of the brain is being activated at that very moment. The same is true of a remote bio resonance scan of the energy field. So we patiently awaited our scan results hoping we would learn something telling.


And telling it was!! There are numerous categories to read through on the report, but then like being hit with a brick smack in the middle of the face, the words jumped right out at me and with 200% confidence, I was sure this is what needed our immediate attention. In fact, this is EXACTLY what we had dealt with when Grayson was on the spectrum and PANDAS was rearing it’s ugly head. Interestingly, I had even begun to feel like he was actively regressing right before our eyes, ever so slightly, but certainly a backslide, without a doubt. NOW I was able to see clearly what we had missed!!

Grayson scan Clostridia.png
Grayson scan strep.png

You’ll notice that there are double out of range (red) indicators in two columns for the Clostridia and Strep. The gray column is after scanning for imbalances and before frequency optimization. The white column is after frequencies are optimized, and what shows green are things that were balanced or brought back into balance/optimal range. What you want to focus on supporting physically are the things that were red before the scan and remain red after the frequency optimization. Those things are deeper set issues and will take more than one scan to balance. It’s a great way to gauge where you’re at. You may see things that were green before shift to red, this is a temporary adjustment - as things shift, other things may be moved out of range. 

The journey to health is like peeling the layers of an onion. The layers on top are more urgent and need our immediate attention. As we heal those layers, new layers are able to be freed and addressed. This is exactly how healing with homeopathy works, we focus on the top layer and trust the body to continue to communicate with us as the layers continue to be exposed. The symptom picture and etiology often tell us a lot about what is going on in the body, so this information paired with using bio resonance technology to discover where the symptoms are rooted gives us incredibly useful information about what needs our attention currently. And the result? A more refined treatment plan with quicker results.

This particular vitals scan reports back on: blood vitals (similar to getting blood work done), chakra vitals, gastrointestinal functions, meridian vitals, nutritional analysis, physical functionality and toxicities including allergy, bacteria, fungus/mold, heavy metals and man-made toxins. The cool thing about scanning the vitals using bio resonance is that they are being measured from the blood INSIDE the body. When we conduct physical blood work, the blood is exposed to oxygen, resulting in changes within the blood that can skew lab results.


I began running through all of the experiences we’d been through since his decline this summer. It now made sense, the behaviors, the anger, the tics, it all made sense. Check out our history with Clostridia and Strep in this blog entry which details our initial uphill journey with these specific microbes. I realize that a 15 year old won’t behave in exactly the same way that 5 year old did with the same over active infections at play. Modifying my gauge has been riddled with it’s own set of challenges, and puberty threw a monkey wrench into the situation for me. Hormonally, the scan suggests he’s pretty balanced with the exception of his thyroid…another dead ringer for mood swings. More great information to work with! I had even begun to wonder recently if I was seeing an enlarged thyroid, but because he is a rapidly growing teenage boy, I wasn’t sure if it was common to see a larger throat area as part of his growth spurts. Clearly, that information was also very confirming for us.

So armed with this information, as a homeopath, I of course reached right for my trusty remedies. I put together a single liquid concoction made with homeopathic thyroidinum and the nosodes of Clostridia and Strep. I was feeling hopeful!

While we were all in the kitchen making dinner together, I grabbed the combination remedy and gave my son a dose. My husband immediately vocalized the exact thought I had at the same time, “Is it possible…that could have happened THAT fast?” We both saw it. With the first dose, his demeanor shifted, he stood taller and more confidently, his previous downtrodden face lightened up, and a huge smile came across his face. Suddenly his sense of humor was back, he was giddy and affectionate. All through dinner, even with teasing from his little brother, he was able to let everything frustrating roll off his back. He was laughing and joking and was even cooperative, things that were fleeting over the past seven months or so. The best part is there were no arguments all through dinner for a change. Arguing with him had become our primary form of communication, and I was beginning to think this was just teenage stuff. How wrong I was!

Without a doubt, homeopathy has the potential to be miraculous, but I wouldn’t have hit this remedy combination on the first try like this if I hadn’t had the guidance of the scan we had done. Aiming in the dark can result in a much longer recovery path. We’ve had an equally interesting experience with our younger son’s scans too.

I would image that every scan won’t be as exciting as our first, though. We sometimes have to go through some mundane, unexplainable layers of healing that don’t speak so loudly to us, in the moment.

Our second vitals scan (after using the homeopathy and increasing his probiotics) was astonishingly clean! He has a few things showing up, but remember the body is influenced by everything around it, it’s in a constant state of flux and some things could pop up on the scan and after a few scans, might even resolve itself! Each scan includes an optimization where the inverse frequencies of the imbalanced frequencies are paired and sent back to the user. So it’s a scan AND optimization balancing all in one! Even just looking at his second scan confirmed how powerful this tool is to have!


There is another fascinating scan that can be done using the frequencies of the voice. These frequencies are translated into deficiencies from the mental-emotional plane and a report is generated explaining them in detail. The reports for both of our boys couldn’t have been better matched to what was going on currently with each of them. I was even shocked by the language that was used in the reports, because the same language had been used by my boys in their verbal descriptions of how they were feeling…and let’s face it, puberty is all about emotional instability, isn’t it? Or so I thought. The coolest part is that this scan also generates audio files that contain the frequencies needed to balance the mental-emotional state of the person! These frequencies are overlaid with comforting music so that you aren’t listening to abrasive raw frequencies and quite honestly, I don’t know many kids who would sit through listening therapy, for even 10 minutes, with raw frequency generation. This customized sound therapy can improve concentration, creativity and emotional intelligence. I think we could ALL use a little boost in those areas these days, can’t we? 😉

And still there’s more…

There is a comprehensive scan which is incredibly detailed and shows images of each of the organs and cells with scores indicating if they are in balance, under active or over active. We learned about the function of: the cerebral cortex, brain sagittal, pancreas, prostrate, liver, kidneys, lungs, blood, meninges, adrenal cells, digestive, skin, thyroid, gastrointestinal, chromosomes, basal ganglia, breasts, female sagittal, mitochondria, veins, arteries, skeletal system, nerves, connective tissues, rectum, reproductive, stomach and urinary. Unfortunately, at the time, we didn’t pay for the additional comprehensive scan for Grayson, but knowing what I know now about pairing the results from the vitals scan and the comprehensive scans, we may have also seen deficiencies in the basal ganglia and thyroid specific to the results on the vitals scan.

A medical practitioner who understands the interplay of these organs with the overall picture of health may be able to offer an even more insightful assessment. The abundance of information from the comprehensive scan can appear to be overkill for the average person to interpret. There is however one caveat to the overwhelm of the report. When we recognize that each scan is also subtly retraining the imbalances in the corresponding system or organ to encourage self healing, it would seem advantageous to run this report for the purpose of the health entrainment even if you don’t understand the results the report spits out. 🤓

The frequency optimization evaluates which frequencies collected from the scan on the user are out of balance with the database of ideal and healthy body frequencies, then it generates a frequency opposite to the ones that are not ideal. Which then allows for optimal frequency suggestions in the form of binaural beats.

In the “quick scan” options, you can do: morning, mid-day, evening, custom and pet scans that are particular to the time of day or with the custom scan, you can actually choose from your own customized library of supplements, treatments, homeopathy, etc (all of which you can input into the device yourself) and the scan will determine which items in your chosen library you are resonating with in that moment. You can also do aura clearing and shielding as well as little 3-minute boosters focused on: super charged energy, focus, relaxation, grounding or neuro aerobics.

The “body systems” scan is quite unique in that it pairs issues in specific body systems with: physical issues, emotions, vitals, potential causes and offers some suggestions for dealing with them. It’s very interesting to tie together problems in the digestive system with an acute problem with the thymus that might be related to an acute fear that something bad will happen, a chronic sensitivity to chicken and nightshades or a chronic problem with the small intestine meridian. This allows you to choose other adaptive modalities to your treatment routines, and can fine tune treatments that might focus on emotional support as well as physical problems.

And lastly, for now anyway…because this technology is still being improved.

There is one last amazing (as if this isn’t enough?) feat I’d like to mention. The Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter. This is designed to capture, amplify, and imprint subtle energy frequencies and can either broadcast or imprint those frequencies into a target object like a tincture, cup of water, sugar pill, crystal, etc. Up to 7 different imprints can be used at once and the list of options is lengthy and broad. A few examples of frequencies that can be used are: abundance with wealth and success, confidence with self-esteem and love, coordination, energy, love, memory with focus and clarity, immune support, pain free, acute pain, autointoxication, bedwetting, bad complexion, inset bites, broken bones, breast tumor, bronchitis, breathing labored, burns, various cancers, colitis, colds with coughing, diabetes, digestion, distended stomacher discharges, ears with dizziness, burred eyes, frozen joins, food poisoning, goiter, gravel deposits in urine (oxalates anyone?!), headaches, hay fever, influenza, irritability, jaundice, laxative, knee pains, measles, motion sickness, muscle repair, nausea, obsessive fears, pinworms, rheumatism, sinus pressure, sinusitis, slipped disc, stiff neck, stiff shoulder, strep infection, toothache, underweight, worms, etc, etc, etc. The list is crazy long, this is just a teeny taste of the options, and I imagine it will be growing as they improve the functions of the software.


This particular bio resonance scanning is a combination of technology from Russia, Germany, Spain, Asia, and the USA. Most, if not all, of this technology is based on the works of Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, Albert Einstein and others that theorized everything physical at its most fundamental level is actually energy frequency.

I’ve decided to invest in this equipment for my own practice and while I’d be more than happy to generate reports for anyone interested, the true benefit of using scans like this to monitor your treatment choices and healing progress is really best paired with my private coached community membership. Scan pricing is also lower for my group members, allowing a more reasonable ongoing access to reports, as needed. We will then be able to engage in discussions about how to use these reports to help monitor and customize your healing journey. If you aren’t already a member of my group, I will include each of the above mentioned scans, for one family member when you join. 😊

Feel free to reach out to me, if you’d like my scan pricing or if you have any questions regarding the scope of this technology. I can share with you an additional opportunity to have one free Vocal scan - you will receive your own customized sound therapy audio clips! If you would like to explore the pricing of owning this device yourself so you can scan and balance frequencies for your own family, you can go to my link here.  

And once again, I must repeat, this device is not a medical device, it does not diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. 

