What's next in this post-virus world?

From where I sit, the vantage point I have encompasses both worlds, those who “know” and those who don’t want to know. What do I mean by that? I am a health coach and homeopath with a focus on healthy lifestyle choices, and I have been researching 💉 injuries (as well as how to recover from them) for almost two decades, because of our own run-in with 💉 injury, 17 years ago. It lead me on this long and meaningful path of research, networking, reading books written by doctors and scientists, education through constant training; and my circle has expanded over time, into one of advanced awareness and scientific sourcing. You could say that I spend most of the hours of most of my days data collecting and using that information to educate and help others make healthier decisions for themselves. My whole life’s experiences have lead me to where I am today. It would be no stretch to say that research is my life, from sun up to sun down. I’ve written one book about the origins of this journey, but the lessons have continued well beyond that story.

So, as you can imagine, I participate in this world intimately, daily, and I think those who know me in real life don’t really comprehend the depths of my experience and knowledge. Mainly this is because I also try to balance being a friend, cousin, sister, niece, daughter, step daughter, aunt, etc…with those I love, and that involves not interjecting what I know into family gatherings, social events and conversations, unsolicited. This is a hard balance for me, because of what I know. I just want to help everyone, it’s in my blood to want to share what I know with others. I would save the world, if I could. I truly love everyone, I want the best for everyone, and I mean that. So when people around me are either personally or indirectly experiencing a health tragedy, it’s very hard to bite my tongue. I want nothing more than to give people hope and information. You are probably wondering why I would bite my tongue (which by the way, I don’t always do)…

Can you imagine having a pain reliever for someone’s headache and just watching them suffer, rather than handing them the pain reliever? Or worse, knowing that someone is experiencing a heart attack in front of you, but just sitting back and doing nothing, rather than helping? This sounds ridiculous, right? Like, why on earth would anyone do that? Why would I withhold treatment or information from anyone, let alone someone I love dearly? It sounds simple, if someone has a headache and I have a product that could take that headache away, just give it to them, right? Well, it’s not really that simple, because the person experiencing the headache has to be willing to accept and take the product, don’t they? I can’t force it down their throat. It only sounds silly when I present it like this, because the average person would take the pain reliever. Why? Because they feel comfortable with pain relievers based on the knowledge of past experiences. But what if that person never heard of the pain reliever, or they have never experienced the headache? They might be more hesitant to take the pill, and rightfully so.

It’s not so simple in the larger scope of things, especially as it relates to the years since 2020. Unfortunately, it’s not a simple headache, with a simple pain reliever solution that I am talking about here. There are a lot of dynamics that play into when and how to interject my knowledge about one’s health into a conversation. Not everyone wants to be “doctored” constantly. So when is it ok to make a suggestion or reveal something I know? This is a very individual and touchy subject and it’s not cut and dry. I know that I am surrounded by people who feel the way I do.

So what am I talking about, exactly?

This is a big subject, and it can encompass so many critical variables. For the sake of this blog though, I am going to focus on one particular event. 2020 and beyond, which included Operation Warp Speed (OWS). We all know what that means, right? I am intensionally being cryptic and it’s because the censorship is very real so I am going to speak vaguely about the “thing” (💉) that came out of OWS.

Let’s go back to 2020 briefly. We were in lockdown, people were being frightened repeatedly by the daily reminders in the media of how many were dying (which was actually regularly inflated), we were being told we would be responsible for the death of loved ones, if we didn’t comply with their mask mandates, social distancing and isolation (all of which we have now learned, had no impact on the outcome).

“Lockdowns in the U.S. and Europe had little or no impact in reducing deaths from COVID-19, according to a new analysis by researchers at Johns Hopkins University. The lockdowns during the early phase of the pandemic in 2020 reduced COVID-19 mortality by about 0.2%, said the broad review of multiple scientific studies. “We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality,” the researchers wrote.”

Many were also told they would lose their jobs and careers if they didn’t adhere to the mandates being constructed from the top down, regardless of individual bodily autonomy requirements. What we experienced was mass hysteria, the unknown, government control, and a lot of death. We might as well have been through war on a battlefield, and we were repeatedly told that we were the ones holding the gun to our loved ones heads. The trauma is very deep and very real. Many of the deaths attributed to this event were also very real, even my family was not exempt from the grips of this deadly virus. But many were taken by the emotional trauma and isolation too, it wasn’t just a virus.

Trauma like this has a way of settling in and changing us at the core, how we subconsciously respond to future triggers can be forever altered.

2021….enter the “thing” that came from OWS.

I can understand why so many couldn’t wait to participate and even those who would normally say no to a 💉 from an experimental product felt like it would at least ease the pressure everyone was under. Some chose to take one for the team, so their family could go on without much disruption. Some took it for travel. Others felt forced. The common theme was that we could go back to normal, who wouldn’t want that? It was touted as THE answer to our problems, all of them. Those are some big shoes. At least 80% of the Nation’s population took the bait at least once, and 70% are considered fully 💉. They fell in line and rolled up their sleeves.

You would probably agree that hindsight is 20/20, right? So what have we learned since the roll out of this campaign in 2021? This is the million dollar question.

Post marketing data

Research is continuing to pile up, and it’s confirming that being part of a massive government experiment comes with risks. I know that the way I worded that last sentence is considered sensationalized according to some, and that is mainly because during a traumatic experience, it is quite common to internalize what you are being told, as truth, regardless of whether it is or not, because fight or flight puts us in a state of paralysis. In a situation like this, few were in a position to research the risks. So for most of the people who participated in this experiment, it’s a hard pill to swallow now, to consider the fact that it really was an experiment. I was not sensationalizing the experience, I was stating a fact.

And it’s a hard fact to accept, especially if you were one of the people who felt cornered into making this decision, for whatever reason. The science wasn’t there to support safety or efficacy, yet the media, many doctors (not all) and well-meaning loved ones pushed the narrative that this product was already established as being “safe and effective,” yet I am telling you that it absolutely was not properly established. There is no way to candy-coat it. It simply was not studied in the same way drugs are, and it was the first time we have used messenger RNA technology in this way.

To complicate matters, the language used around this product was not honest either, and this inadvertently increased the compliance rate. Using a term that people are familiar with, which describes something they already have a comfort level with (I was not in this category already, because of our experience with 💉 injury), suggests a false sense of security, but the truth is that this product edits the human genome, it is technically gene therapy and no one has denied that, although without the safety studies to back up their claims, they do try to suggest that this form of gene therapy is “safe and effective.” By labeling it something it isn’t, fewer people were lead to question it’s safety.

Getting to the point

If you’ve stayed with me this far, pat yourself on the back, because it means even in the face of some ugly facts, you want to know more. You aren’t alone, I am hearing from more and more people that they are concerned about themselves and/or loved ones who took this product. But not everyone realizes the ongoing risks, simply because they aren’t exposed to the data that the media won’t cover.

Now, that I have shared a little history, let’s get to the meat and potatoes of this blog. The past is water under the bridge, as they say, right? So if moving forward as best as we can is at the crux of this blog, how do we do that? I’d like to circle back around to the point I was making above, about how it can be hard to know when and how to interject knowledge into discussions with the people we love when we believe we can help them, even if they don’t know they need it.

If we don’t know we need information, how do we open our minds to hearing something we don’t know we need?

As it stands, there is a growing segment of the population that is beginning to sense that something isn’t right, either because they are witnessing the sheer number of increasing illnesses, diseases, turbo cancers, rapidly declining dementia cases and sudden deaths (even in the middle aged, young adults and children now) all around them, sometimes hitting too close to home, or because they themselves are beginning to notice a decline in their own health/immune system since their 💉, even if it’s a minor shift at the moment. I mentioned in my first line of this blog, that I am at a vantage point where I am part of the health community who “knows” what is going on behind the media veil, scientifically. This is because I have access to the data sources where brilliant minds are sharing astonishing new clinical statistics, research, studies and potential solutions, regularly. I am exposed to the significant increase in harm accumulating. I am exposed to the science that is proving why, and although this doesn’t really need to be said, I was also part of the community that was warning anyone who would listen about the risks before this product even came to market. I knew these risks, because I had ties to the right people in the medical world, as well as the research I had already done to help our son, for close to two decades. He has been recovered, because of this accomplished community of pioneers. This just means that I knew to pay attention to every step of the way, as this unfolded. I knew who and what to watch in order to be in the “know.”

How do we move forward?

First and foremost, we need to admit that we don’t know where the true outcome of this experience will lead us, because once we recognize and acknowledge that we are in unchartered waters, we are going to be more open to learning as the data unfolds. Post-marketing data from those on the front lines is the only way to be accurately informed. Assumptions and old promises that were made prior to the marketing and use of this product mean nothing today, in the face of reality. Even the promises by authorities that suggested two weeks of isolation and masking would stop the spread, then the 💉 would stop the spread, that quickly changed to become a new narrative that you won’t get sick, then it would only prevent death not the spread, they said you would only need one 💉, then two, then endless boosters. The facts were a constantly moving goal post. This just proves that there is no such thing as “settled science.” If we block ourselves from these truths, out of fear or ignorance, we will potentially miss out on the opportunity to be prepared for potential effects. It’s common knowledge that ALL drugs come with risks, and we didn’t know the degree of risk involved in this one, because it wasn’t established up front, contrary to popular belief. History has proven that even with the best intentions, drugs are recalled due to inherent risks associated with drug formulation and subsequent biological interaction. I think we can all say, we don’t know what we don’t know. No one is exempt. And how do we develop and build on what we know? We have to be open to listening. The painful truth here is that 70-80% of the population now has an unknown variable integrated into their health, because they were given a drug that was not thoroughly tested, it was issued under an EUA which simply put, means it wasn’t tested thoroughly before production and use. A lot of assumptions and promises were made in the face of terror. We were told the benefits outweighed the risks. And now the fallout is going to take years to fully unfold. That is a fact we can’t ignore.

In the meantime, there are massive health signals being uncovered by professionals, as time progresses. Prevention and treatment options can only be informed by this information, and we certainly don’t have all the answers because this is literally playing out in real time, which will continue for probably at least a few decades and maybe generations.

Dr. Haider has written a great article, “Screening For Silent Spike Toxicity,” where he describes the various tests that can be used to guide your health choices associated with both injury from the 💉 and long haulers, from infection. He was one of the medical pioneers who was studying this and developing protocols, as it was playing out. He has extensive clinical knowledge from years of treatment experience.

You might be wondering if it makes sense to have any of these tests yourself (or to recommend them to a loved one), especially if you feel as though you haven’t been effected. That is a personal decision, but if your health has changed even a little bit (I implore you to not chalk this up to aging, never ignore changing health signals), I would take a proactive approach, because as this article suggests, Dr Robert Rowen explains how the 💉💉 are inducing a drop in natural killer CD4 and CD8 cells, even if only temporarily, and how turbo cancers may result (signals are already appearing). The truth is no one knows how long this effect lasts and it is likely to be individual. Pathologist, Dr. Ryan Cole has reported a 20-fold increase in endometrial cancers and a massive uptick in autoimmune disorders, melanomas, as well as herpes, shingles, mono, and a “huge uptick” in HPV (Human Papilloma Virus infection) when “looking at the cervical biopsies of women”, which he believes is due to the shut down of innate immunity following 💉. The endometrium is the lining of the uterus. Menstrual changes have been extensively reported following covid 💉. I am even personally effected just from exposure to people who have been 💉. I have been proactive in finding ways to reduce the effects, but like I mentioned earlier, this is all still unfolding and we are likely to need years to understand the full gravity of the outcome.

If we can get a handle on what health signals we are seeing most commonly, we can act preventatively at minimum, and may even be able to handle an acute or chronic health crisis more appropriately, because knowing what is going on is essential to knowing what to do about it. So if you know someone who needs this information, please share it. If you are someone who has a friend or relative who knows more than you, ask questions. Be proactive. I’ve experienced how it feels to be too late helping someone. Although this may initiate difficult conversations, they are worth having, trust me.

Jessica Galligani